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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Is it so wrong to drink soup straight form the can? I mean we're talking about Progresso or Campbell's Chunky Soup here, not Campbell's condensed soups. The only instructions on the can are to "heat as desired." If I'm happy drinking some New England Clam Chowder from an aluminum can like it was a glass of milk, what's wrong with that, huh? Nothing! That's what! Same goes yogurts with a consistancy that allowed that sort of thing.

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Sidhhartha teaches that just as in nature, man's life has four seasons.

Man is born from the ending cold of winter, and lives his childhood in the spring: lush, carefree, memorable. A good tempature, often pleasent.

His adult years progress into summer: still an exciting time, but often not as pleasent, and he must work to better his condition.

Late adulthood finds him in the Fall. A beautfiul point of reflection in his life, but things are beginning to wither; common activites now take more effort as he prepares for the long winter.

Finally, winter arrives, the season of death, leading to rebirth next spring. Those lovely dark & deep woods start to seem appealing, and man goes full circle.


I thought it was interesting, anyway. Tho im sure many of you are struck by eastern proverbs and think:

"Wait, was that an insightful metaphor? Because if it was, i know I'm in hell." - John Constantine, Hellblazer: Damnation's Flame

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grrr i neeed time to fuck around on my comp to update this friggin site....


school... sleep...work...sleep.....schoool...sleep... work.. sleep. no time for shit !!! i have some time during my school days ( low HW load for now) so i need an infernal laptop to do some updating on .... sigh... if i only had cedrics number to call...

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I saw Spider-Man for the third time today. I thne realized two things that I can guarantee won't be in the sequel: an origin story and the Green Goblin. So we'll have a full two hours (give or take) dedicated to one plot instead of two, and no dumbass green goblin suit to hurt my eye (though willem dafoe's presense will be missed). Plus Tobay McGuire signed to play PP/Spidey agian. Spidey2 is already shaping up to be great!

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