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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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My new roommate is so homophobic, it's scary. He's like the biggest homophobe I've ever meet. He has said that no gay person has ever contributed to society and that they aren't people. He said they're like dogs, he's not going to go out and kill them, but if one comes need him and tries to touch him he will, and if he sees one dying in the street, he isn't bothered by that at all. He's actually serious, he's not messing around. This fucker is twisted!

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What the fuck do these people mean they usually only get enough issues of transmet for subscribers!. Of course the new shit transformers and thundercats and all this 80's nostalgic shit sells like hotcakes but one of the most brilliant fucking books I've ever read doesn't even get put on the shelf! I'll eventually read it, that ain't the problem, it's the fucking principal of the thing... If there were any justice in this world, the latest trade of transmet would be a top ten bestseller along with clancy and King and all of them. :D

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If you have anythin to say round here, it better be short enough to fit into commercial spots. While youre at it, it better include explosions, humor, sex, and more humor to hold the entire group's attention. Ive been stoic these last few weeks.

Cant ever repay the hospitality these folks are showin me, but i gotta get outta this house soon.

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crapity crap crap crap... I am NEVER gonna graduate! Please dear god if you even exist tell me I didn't inadvertantly fuck up this easy semester already!!! It's just suppose to be a fucking lab that's it, it ain't no actually class. Plus I'm not even registered for it!! But this guy is so gonna fuck with me, because he already thinks I'm damn lazy. Argh...Random Panic attack at 6am!! And yet again, I can't sleep. :D

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How much for a facial electrolysis? this shit of shaving my dozen or few facial hairs is annoying and ridiculous. I cld never grow a beard, at best I'd end up like Shaggy, from scooby doo not the singer guy. ARGGGG

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