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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Dodge? The Bandwagon thing? You're doing it again.


Honestly, how is what he doing any different than what you've done in the past, Jont? Or What Skeet's done? or Jax? The only difference is YOU don't find it funny.



no arch, im not, i share their opinion, it doesnt make me a bandwagon hopper, you're just again, to smitten with batting for the "little" guy again.... and you have to try lash out at everyone because of it... my problem with this little shitling stems from the underage porn fiasco under his other alies, rain2skies...


ya remember archy boy, that little me vs him thread?


regardless of what jont or skeet or whoever would have said, i'd still have disagreed with this shit, and not stood for it, its stupid and fuckin dispectful....


but hey man, thats you all over i guess, disrespectful the fuck...

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Teen Scares Off Burglar With Samurai Sword

Karate Brown Belt Lunges At Burglar After PlayStation 3 With Sword


POSTED: 8:12 am EDT June 8, 2007

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HIALEAH, Fla. -- A teenager with a brown belt in karate used a samurai sword to scare off a burglar who was after his PlayStation 3 video game console.


Last Friday afternoon, Damian Fernandez and his 15-year-old sister, Deanne Fernandez, were home alone at their northwest Miami-Dade County home while their parents were at work when they heard knocking on the front door. Moments later, two men were prying the front door unlocked, prompting Deanne to hide in her closet.


"I was so scared," she said.

As her brother slept in the next room, the burglars ransacked their parents' room, taking some jewelry before moving on to what they were really after -- a PlayStation 3.


According to a police report, one of the burglars kicked in Deanne's bedroom door. She said she could see his foot through the closet panels.


The burglar found the empty PlayStation 3 box and ran out of the room, but Damian was waiting for him.


"Once I saw him take off running back, I jumped off my (bunk) bed and I grabbed my sword … and I just waited for him," he said.


Damian said he lunged at him with his samurai sword, striking him in the chest.


"He freaked out," Damian said.


The burglar ran out of the house with Damian chasing him down the road. When police arrived, a K-9 officer located the burglar hiding behind a neighbor's palm tree. The second burglar got away.


Javier Cotera, 21, was arrested and released early the next morning on bond.


Local 10 attempted to contact Cotera at his Hialeah home, but his family said he wasn't there and that they didn't know anything about it.


Damian and Deanne's father, Delio Fernandez, said he is concerned Cotera is out of jail.


"If he would have had a gun, I could have lost one of my children," he said.


Cotera is scheduled to appear in court in two weeks to face three felony charges.

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I gotta look on youtube for that Uncle Junior scene. I wasn't pissed about the ending (and fuck you if Chase wasn't playing a joke with the black screen) but if they hadda ended it with that....it woulda been a 10/10.


The fed was great too. Supposedly that was based on a real thing. Fucking brilliant Chase anyways.


I'd also like to give props to AJ who didn't cry for the whole episode. Fucking AJ.



I hope HBO can keep going with good original programming now. Entourage has gone pretty shitty, as did Curb the last season and this surfer fuck...? I don't really have much hope for FOTC either. What's left?


Let's just hope that the Preacher show doesn't suck.


God damn, now I know what Art Spiegelman means about keeping Maus to comics and nothing else....

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I want to drive a scooter. Yes. I think when I have more monies, I shall buy one and sell my car.


Screw you cars and what you stand for... mostly high insurance, ridiculous maintanence, and about fucking 25 bucks to gas up! I don't have that kind of monies... stupid american economy. gas consumers.


I wish I had a bed right now, cuz I could uses some slepep.

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