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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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Funny story: I'm texting a chick whos number i got while very drunk the other night. She had a really russian/slavic sounding kinda name.


She asks me do you even remember my first name? I reply correctly. She is impressed yet defiant. If you remember my second name you get a date with me she says. Methinks "Sagdiyev sounds familiar".


I split second before i send the text a realisation comes over me:



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The king's taken back the throne

The useless seed is sown

When they say they're cutting off the phone

I'll tell 'em you're not home


No place to hide

You were fighting as a soldier on their side

You're still a soldier in your mind

Though nothing's on the line


You say it's money that we need

As if we're only mouths to feed

I know no matter what you say

There are some debts you'll never pay


Working for the church

While your family dies

You take what they give you

And you keep it inside

Every spark of friendship and love

Will die without a home

Hear the solider groan, "We'll cry alone"


I can taste the fear

It's gonna lift me up and take me out of here

Don't wanna fight, don't wanna die

Just wanna hear you cry


Who's gonna throw the very first stone?

Oh! Who's gonna reset the bone?

Walking with your head in a sling

Wanna hear the soldier sing


Working for the Church

While my family dies

Your little baby sister's

Gonna lose her mind

Every spark of friendship and love

Will die without a home

Hear the soldier groan "We'll go at it alone"


I can taste your fear

It's gonna lift you up and take you out of here

And the bone shall never heal

I care not if you kneel


We can't find you now

But they're gonna get the money back somehow

And when you finally disappear

We'll just say you were never here


Been working for the church

While your life falls apart.

Singing hallelujah with the fear in your heart

Every spark of friendship and love

Will die without a home

Hear the soldier groan, "We'll go at it alone"

Hear the soldier groan, "We'll go at it alone"

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so yeah, went on a date tonight, and things were going awkwardish, and on a taxi to another bar, the chick turns and says "so i guess i'm not your cup of tea eh?" to which i responded with a kinda nervous look and some silence, and in the other bar, she sees some of her friends, to which i say "im going for a smoke" and i grab a taxi, and jet off to my real friends....


dickheadish? or reasonable?

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