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Blargh - The Random Thread


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One time, i was flipping through this issue of Maxim, lookin for the pictures they said they had of Salma Hayek, right? Mind you, i sincerely dont read this thing much; the chick pics are great but even i find the homophobic shit silly after a while.

Anyway, i stumble across the music review page, and beyond praising Limp Bizkit, i noticed they had an old review of this Phil Collins album, "Both Sides". Yeah, Phil aint as great since he left Genesis but he's not bad, same way i feel bout Sting.

Well, the review, its just one line..."Both Sides of this album suck."

I remember thinking, "fuck, that's harsh."

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The French has this word, or phrase - damned if i can recall it, much less pronounce it - but it basically translates to "Spirit of the Staricase".

The idea is...you always know the right thing to say as youre walking away from the situation.

Strikes a cord, huh? I bet half of you just read that and can instantly think of a recent time when youve fallen victim to it.

Pretty useful, might have to import that one when i come across it again.

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Yeah, sure, Michael Jackson cryogencially freezes monkeys while molesting children, and Marilyn Manson removed one of his ribs so he can suck his own dick. Must be true, right?

I'm not sure why you're concerned with shit like that, but for what it's worth: do you believe everything you're told? You live in the age of information, you superstitious fuck.

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