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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Can you beliee it! Some random guy just called and asked if I could think of any black superheroes in comics or movies. And I was actually able to answer him. Duh...Nick Fury in the New Ultimate Spiderman. Whoever that guy was, probably wasn't expecting to call a comic freak today. Well I showed him a thing or two. B)

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Argh, I'll never watch a movie for the first time at FIU... saw signs today there.. and while it was free and all, not only is it not widescreen, it's projected off a VHS tape! Fuzzy image and the colors are completely gone! Movie was nearly in monochrome! A travesty. Sure, you get what you pay for, but it really looked like utter crap, guess I'll only see stuff I've already seen there. Doesn't do a movie justice to see it in pan & scan, out of focus, with the color range of an old gameboy...

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