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Blargh - The Random Thread


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I need to stop buying DVD's.... I bought 6 this weekend alone, 2 kevin smith movies and THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW 25 anniversary DVD...


:( I need some self control.. but then again there is nothing to do out here in the Boondocks...


aaahhh that possum is at my window AGAIN!!!! cry:


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stupid stupid stupid...why did i have to go and use up all my good material? Now i'm stuck with a topic I barely understand and the only thing i get is a movie i never saw all the way through. So who's going into their final exam unprepared??? I know this silly :kitty: that's who.

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F-16's and F-18's have been screaming overhead all day. The base near work is hitting training really heavy, probably before some of our boys swap out for those overseas.


Everyone thinks i'm crazy but I love the Airtearing Sonic Booms and the Lowflying Whine of a powerful fighter engine. Lunch today was bliss.



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Study: Uneducated Outbreeding Intelligentsia 2-To-1

CHICAGO—In a report with dire implications for the intellectual future of America, a University of Chicago study revealed Monday that the nation's uneducated are breeding twice as soon and twice as often as those with university diplomas. "The average member of the American underclass spawns at age 15, compared to age 30 for the average college-educated professional," study leader Kenneth Stalls said. "America's intellectual elite, as a result, is badly losing the genetic marathon, with two generations of dullards born for every one generation of cultured literates." Added Stalls: "At this rate, by the year 2100 there will be five smart people on Earth, swallowed whole by more than 12 billion mouth-breathers incapable of understanding the binary exponentiation that swamped the Earth with their like." High-school dropout Mandi Drucker, 16, said of the findings, "All I know is, we're in love."

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