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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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so the other day, my friend maria and michelle are in my car and we're talking about random bullshit, adn i don't know how, much the convo got switched to the show Friends,


then we start naming OUR friends, and saying who would be w ho, for example, Maria would be Monica because she's kind of a neat freak, her boyfriend would be Chandler, our friend James would be Joey..Becky would be Rachel..blah blah blah


and then they both decide that i would be Pheobe... i dunno... do you guys think i'm Pheobe? i never really related to her...

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"Ronin" roughly translates from Japanese to "One adrift on the waves." That's about how i feel these days.

One has bushido, one has a goal in mind - defending one's daimyo (or in this case, that would be the city I serve as a firefighter), but nowhere to direct one's loyalty...so you wander.

The Irish Ronin...hah. I evolved from the Irish Ninja to the Irish Cowboy, does it stop there, i wonder? Heh.


Good buddy of mine (DJ Ario X) once commented that my next form must logically be a "Space Cowboy". I'm not sure what that means, but i think it means I'd be hangin out with Jamoroquai or something.

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People, people: I'm not saying that the problems in the middle east will be all fixed up if you'd just stop requesting gay-ass songs like "B-52's - Love Shack" up in the club or on the radio or whatver, but it's a fine place to start.

People who listen to campy shit like that..I mean, honestly: you're really just fanning the flames overseas, aren't you?

It's all connected. You're just not seeing it. Trust me. I've had much to drink.

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I really dont care for this smooth, pop jazz shit.

Granted, I only started gettin into a jazz a bit during college, but as a form, it has so much room for artistic expression its amazing. When hacks like Kenny G and such come around and play a rendition of "You'll be in my Heart", there's no improv in there, no love for the music.

Im not saying every jazz song needs Parker scatting or Fitzgerald's vocals on "Angel Eyes" or great shit like that, just put some fucking feeling into it, you souless fuck. Garbage like that belongs in a hospital somewhere, a soundtrack to toture the dying to, matching the ambience of sterile plastic flowers and some dimestore Picasso's rendition of the abstract mundane (or paintings like Dinghy's "Blues Cat", known county-wide for it's mere existence serving to teabag Muddy Waters).

...I'm not entirely sure where that rant came from, but it was sincere anyway.

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"I dunno, Timbo. Theyre both really cool cats, but Biggie's really affectionate so he's easy to handle, you know? Scooter, i don't know what to do with sometimes."

"Maaan...I wish I had a cat like Scooter."

"You do? Really? Why ya say that?"

"If I had a cat like scooter...I'd put clothespins on his tail all day.

Yeah. That'd be cool."

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