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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Fuckin hell, i thought the old 2-D games were hard: Mario Sunshine is kickin my ass all over the place. My platform skills have gotten rusty.

You know, "bad camera angles!" has become the 3-D gaming equivalent of "Shitty @#$%in controller!" of the 2-D era, it's funny.

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According to The Firefighter's Workout, firefighters in training are to carefully monitor intake of carbs, proteins, fats, etc, along with veggies, fruits and the like.

I'm going to write to them and ask how high up the list they'd place a diet of Coco Puffs, Egos, Cheeots, Ham & Cheese sammiches, and a hearty dinner of Totino's Pizza with a potato.

Its worth mentioning that I eat bananas and grapes sometimes too, i guess.

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What the fuck? School starts tomorrow? Ever woken up a day before class and acted kinda surprised? "I'm in college? What the fuick am I doing here? Who's the moron that let me in? I can't like, go to all kinds of classes and have some guy tell me to write papers and shit.... whoever did all that stuff and got all those grades to get me in here.... that wasn't me! That motherfucker's an impostor! I don't know anything about this 'class' stuff!" 9:30am.... I hate my life...

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*radio static*

That was the Dogg Pound here right on W-Balls

187.4 on your FM dial

You're tuned in to the biggest balls of them all

DJ Suk T Nutts

Aiy, don't forget about my homeboy Eazy Dick in the jackoff hour

That's happening at twelve o'clock tonight

Right now we got some Snoop Doggy Dogg for that ass

This one is called Tha Shiznit

You're about to go downtown b***h

Right here on the station that plays only platinum hits

That's 187.4 on your FM dial

If you're lickin that's, W-Balls


(singing) Everybody's got to hear the s**t, on W-Balls, W-Balls, W-Baaaalls!





A timeless classic

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Lets see if Chiefy (he's the only one with a chance) can place these lyrics:


- "Yo, i drink to that, I'm the Indian giver,

MC's take notes as i stand and deliver..."


-(more modern one, make it easier)

"Chew on a prick, and lick a million motherfuckin' cocks per second

I'd rather put out a motherfucking gospel record"


-(classic easy one)

"Raw, I'm a give to ya

with no trivia

more like cocaine straight from Bolivia..."


-and finally, one i know he knows now:

"Ya might 'cause my style you're admirin'...

don't be mad; UPS is hiring.

Ya shoulda been a cop, fuck hip-hop...

with that freestyle, ya bound to get shot..."


tell ya what...ill up your post # by 10 if you can place 3 out of 4 of those, or something else cool. If you do some lyric search online tho youre a loser; either by memory or by song if you really have to, but dont cheat.

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