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Blargh - The Random Thread


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"She fuckin' hates me..."

Shut the fuck up, Puddle of Mudd, i dont even know you and I hate you too.


And why is this Avi Lavirgingerea whaterver the fuck chick all over the radio like Luke in south miami? She's alright but damn, she didnt write the new star-spangled banner or some shit, why am i hearing her latest single on 3 stations simultaneously, does no one else make music lately?

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So the Jury's back on my first day as a real teacher in Broward county. Here are some tips to help you start the day off on the right foot.

1. SHOW UP ON TIME! fuckin turnpike and old people in cadi's trying to be all cool and crap. I had absolutely nothing prepared. So first period. :shoot: BLAM! You're outta of here.

2. Whatever you do, DON'T forget to Breath. Felt so nauesous almost threw up on my students.

3. NEVER, I mean absolutely NEVER stay awake for 48 hours straight, no matter the circumstances. Damn I must be one stupid broad I swear I just graduated college.

4. If all else fails, Never PANIC! Well where was that advice about 7:10 this freaking morning?

So jurymen and women, how say you to the charges of complete buffon and reckless endargement of 135 impressionable young minds?

GUILTY!!! [/size=14]


and now for you regularly scheduled blarghing... :sleepy:

Edited by Mulan
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things are looking purdy good for miss leah


honestly, even though the second semester is going by EXCRUCIATINGLY (is that even a word) SLOW, there have been some high points this week, such as i got hired back @ Baci for ONE DAY A WEEK, exactly what i wanted, PLUS my parents will continue giving me my monthly allowance, so i can save up for anything i want to do after graduation or whatnot...life is looking good..PLUS MY BIRTHDAY IS LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY... i'm so excited...

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A quick rant on gaming slang & Jennifer Lopez, courtesy again of Penny Arcade


Since Tycho was talking about our gaming slang I thought I would mention another one. Thursday night Halo has become a ritual now. Safety Monkey is especially good with the Jeep and he makes it his job to always be in the driver’s seat of one. He is like a very fast very reckless taxi cab. He spends the majority of any game ferrying us between bases. There is no better feeling then popping out the back door of the enemy base in Blood Gulch and seeing Monkey waiting there in the Flag Express. Anyway he occasionally has problems navigating the rocks scattered around the map. That led Tycho and I to suggest that he not be fooled by the rocks that they got, he’s still Monkey from the block. This got shortened eventually to being fooled by the rocks which eventually ended up being used for any kind of screw up. Say you grab the flag but don’t make it out of the base. You were fooled by the rocks. I just thought I’d share that with you all.
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Haha...indianoid, please. "If you dont know who it is, it's Coolio...", another sample off "1,2,3,4 (get your woman on the floor".


Now, you know what's a damn shame? The fact that no one else on this board is cool enough to place these lyrics:


" I bomb atomically, Socrates' philosophies

and hypotheses

can't define how I be droppin these

mockeries, lyrically perform armed robbery

Flee with the lottery, possibly they spotted me..."


Seriously, if someone was cool enough to place that classic (without lookin it up on Google or some shit) id be really impressed. Fuck it, ill even give a huge hint:


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You ever wonder if...if everyone actually lived in their own fantasy world, with dragons, gods, whatever it is to you - you think you'd dream of a world like this one? Maybe the grass would be greener...

I dont think i would, very much. Whenever i invision a place ive never been, and i get there, its rarely anything like what I imagined.

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It really sucks. At work when I'm browsing on a break or something I can come up with all this cool shit to program and great ways to implement it. By the time I get home I struggle to figure out how to load the website and get started.


Is somebody spiking my Raman noodles with weed?



Edited by TopDawg540
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Im gonna go check out the local pubs/bars this weekend if i get a chance. Are they the new meeting ground when youre out of college? I obviously suck at clubs, but drinking & bullshitting i can do...better not be just old people tho.

I gotta find a jazz lounge out here too, that'd be really cool.

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Well, Nick likes to toss around LL Cool J lyrics here and dare people to guess... SO I got one for him. Not rap, but still something I think he'd approve of... If he knew what it was.



"Mr Programmer,

I got my hammer,

Gonna smash my,

smash my radio.

We want the airwaves."

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(The Ramones - not a huge fan & had to cheat to remember but a decent call)


Ok, so if Yahven & I compiled a "greatest hits of Blargh" thing, where would it go, who would read it? Would it join our comix section, FAQ, gallyer and chat room in the "areas no one fucking goes to"? I think itd be cool, just lookin to see if something'd come from it.

Anyway, since everyone here is obviously stale & has nothing left to say, maybe i should go back to bothering other message boards to siphon recruit new people to come on by & hate Jax, or is there a better means of advertising?

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(Wife's sick, Kids are asleep, IC's asleep, So i'm gonna rant here to calm down. sorry If it turns out long.)


Few things manage to instantly piss me off.


I get in my car at 9am this morning and as I get my seat back to where it should be i begin to notice an odd smell. Then it hits me...




So now I'm extreemly pissed. I damn well know who it was. I don't really give a fuck about whatever Lyndsey wants to do with her spare time or her money. She works for it and its her life, I can't live it for her.


It DOES piss me off that as financially Fucked as we are right now that she is PISSING away money on fucking drugs of all things. But i can get past that, It is her money.


What REALLY gets my fucking goat is that MY goddamn car, The car of one who HATES drugs with a fucking passion REEKS of goddamn weed. If I were to have driven to work today I would have gotten out of the car smelling like weed. That puts my job at Risk of INSTANT termination. That means our ONLY source of income is lost and I have a black mark on my record. And I can say good friggin by to any chance of getting into the police academy if I have that mark OR show up to their test smelling like weed.


Not to fucking mention that she already drives like crap and has wrecked every damn car she's driven so far. But now I have to wonder if she's going to be driving around High? What in the Hell Am I supposed to do if she totals my damn car? We have 4 people working in the house and having only 1 car again won't cut it.




What in the hell am i supposed to do? She doesn't really care what we tell her, She just nods her head and says Ok to everything and goes on to do whatever the hell she feels like anyway. I can't take the car away because she needs to get to work. I can't drive her everywhere because I'm no damn babysitter and don't frankly want to make the time to shuttle her around.


"So what I'm gonna do is piss and moan like an impotent jerk and then bend over and take it up the tailpipe" Jim Carey (Liar Liar)


"Merry christmas, halleuliah, Holy shit... Wheres the tylenol..." Chevy Chase (christmas vacation)

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Alright, alright people, enough is enough: my message box is full of PM's now, so i figure i should adress this:

I know that many of you are feeling guilty over not having bought me enough things for my birthday, an emotion i truly appreciate, tho I assure you Im quite content with what i have now.

However...if youre really feelin that generous, There's this wallscroll ive really wanted and its like $13 but im really poor right now. I mean, if you insist, that'd be really cool.

PS Yes i have a lame way of asking for things, PM me if you need my adress. Cmon, ill be your friend! Fuck, i need to make some money.

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