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Blargh - The Random Thread


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I really like blargh. People cameo in here, and safely talk about what they want without fear of reply..i know you read it too, casue a few of you talk to me about what's posted in here, even when i make it way to long, like im gonna this time. Dirty Gypsy has his story corner; i have blargh.


Yesterday was the civil service fire department written test. I was not ready. Ive been lookin for good jobs this last week and didnt really study at all - they sent me a booklet i glanced over, but didnt do a practice test, didnt even use the study books id bought in the past. But then it was saturday morning, and Im laying there, thinkin "even if i did make the cut, im not nearly ready for the physical tests...but i guess i gotta try." No harm in seeing what to prepare for, right?

Testing's at 2, and im in downtown by a lil after 1. Thing is, there's no parking...id remembered to bring pencils & somethin to munch on, but i didnt have a dollar on me - fuck was i thinking? Parking aint free here. Right as i stop to ask a cop where he thinks i can park & hike it from, these women pull up next to me, ask if im headin to the convention center, and tell me to follow..

Apparently, they work near there, and let me park by their office. That was really nice of them, good timing too. Theyre 3 chatty office gals who are in no shape to be applying here seriously but im not about to say anything near that, many people look at me & my size and wonder why im trying, too.

So were walkin around...we come around the bend of the center and i can see some lines forming, that's expected....but then just as we clear the corner...

...there's over three thousand people here, easily. Holy shit. And now im in a line near the guy who mentored me during my short time ad MedStar...he's kind of awkward, being that i was all but fired. I try to find the words to tell him "no hard feelings" but all i can muster is "best of luck, man".

Now im in the line for last names of CA-CU, with some ex military guys who've got a much better shot (honorable discharge gives you 5 extra points on the test - they take a lot of the open positions. Basically, if youre not military, like me, and you get less than a 97, you may as well have stayed home).

They explain that, since there's so many tie scores, we'll do a lottery at the end to determine who moves on - a somewhat unfair system that screws a lot of people, it seems. I ask why so many people, dont they weed out a bunch from the applications?

"They do, i hear almost a thousand arent here." Fuck me..

another trick they do: the application asks "Have you done drugs before?" Say yes, and youre done. Say no, and if you make it to phase 4 - the polygraph - they ask you if you lied on the application, and then youre done. I guess me being straight edge this whole time paid off.

So i test, for about 3 hours. Its a standardized test, imagine a more intricate/fire-related SAT. With a section of psych questions at the end, like the cops get, to see how crazy you are. I hate those damn tests.

Now, lottery time and to get our paperwork on when test results are out there, and where to contact us. The guy in front of me draws # 1577, and i think he got misty. I got 248...not bad.

Now were back in line for the paperwork, and im next to ex-military guy again...he's got 500 something. I play with the idea of switching with him - he's certain he got 105 on the test, and more prepared than I am, plus he helped me out back there...but i got the highest number of anyone i talked to, what if I was to move on, ready or not? I think if he'dve asked to switch, i wouldve, but if things are going well today maybe i shouldnt throw them away...

Oh, and then im walking out of the center and think "fuck did i park?" I shouldve payed attention but was thinkin of other stuff...right then, i kinda automatically hold the door as i exit the building for whoever's behind me, and its those 3 chicks again, asking if I want them to walk me back to the parking lot....hah, my timing was gold yesterday.

So that's about it. Results are online a week from monday. I think i did pretty well for being ill prepared but im also not known for doing well on standardized test, so who knows? Felt good giving it a go, taking a break from bullshit interviews to do something i actually care about, and now im lookin into doing a practice physical test, to see what ive got to train for. Wish me luck.

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Waking up to some hot tea, outdoors with the Sunday paper after some much needed sleep. Damn this was a good morning. Should make a habit out of this.



*flies like a nun*

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As far as signatures go, i think Take me to your Lizard and BigChiefSlapaho have the coolest ones, tho Spongebob's new one is a trip too.

Chief's - he even links the threads he's braggin about, and who else puts a tribute to their (bean) dog in their sig? That's pretty cool.

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'S this japanese story i heard once, dont recall where at the momemnt...


Once there was this cat, who lived and died and was reborn a million times. Over this course, the cat naturally had many, many masters, none of which he liked.

Then once, he was reborn and lived as a stray. He met another cat, a white female one, and lived his days roaming the streets with her, until one day she died.

The cat then cried a million cries, died, and was never reborn again.


...do you think that's a sad story, or a happy one? I think its a little of both, but happy in the end.

: )

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sundays are so boring. sad too. i have the day off, but as the day goes on i realize how much it sucks because i have school the next day. then i sit around and think about all the shit i have due on monday that i should have started earlier. i wish i could actually get around to doing it, but i just sit there and think about it. isn't giving thought to the idea worth about the same as actually doing it?! i mean the amount of time that it would take to do it is just about the same amount of time that i think about it. daym i hate being lazy. what i hate even more is when im lazy and try to justify my actions with really stupid excuses. :(

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Yeah, i dont always agree with em, but ill keep ripping off Penny Arcade even so.

Nabisco scientists, or cookieologists as I like to think of them have created a new kind of cookie that you place in the microwave for 15 seconds to give you that fresh out of the oven experience without all the hassle of begging your wife to bake you cookies. They call their creation "Ooey Gooey Warm ‘n Chewy". Eating one is like God smiling at you.
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saindfsd eensdf rojsrd, fdldfgs dfls eomel;s ooodd dgdsg soen sdj e spv re uyc v rniu c eeoeo dne

fgosd;f gobov bb foorofog d dosfgj sdg fgfgodgfj f; ro bmr rombr 40 germg re40g mfgreojpo fofgg;

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gerg eorjgtperg

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To be? Or not to be?



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[Holy shit it works!]

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Wa-fucking-hey, I'm off to Crete in June...yeah, to battle Minotaurs and shit, thankfully Vagrant Story has taught me well, Edged weapons to the legs, Minotaurs are weak to such endevours, it'll be a piece of cake.

The only problem'll be the flight home, fly too close to the sun and the wax on my wings'll melt, I might try growing my own...

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When I accepted this job, I didn't realize that it was no regular 9-5. It's more like "Fu.." I have to survive, this 24/7 insomnia ridden job until things lighten up. I do hope things get better soon. I can't function on 5 hours of sleep a week.

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dammit Dinghy there's no such thing as "refiling!", and if there was, why go through the troulbe of defiling someone just to refile them? You make it sound like an office skill...

PS Im with Junker, verse 2 has the best line.."Dont get in our way, and dont be so gay..."

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I think the coolest goddamn thing would be to wander all over the world, with my own RPG-like party along, composed of bacchus, yahven, spiffy, maybe chi-chan for good measure. You cant have more than 5 people most times, and that's a great group there. Except we'd have to leave Chihiro in charge of finance & such since we all suck with that. But anyway, think of how cool that'd be...

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