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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Fallin' back on that ass, with a hellafied gangsta' lean

Gettin' funky on the mic like a' old batch o' collard greens

It's the capital S, oh yes, the fresh N double O-P

D-O double G-Y-D-O double G, ya see...

- Snoop Dogg, "Nuthin but a G thang", cica 1993


There you have it, factul evidence of a hella word used pre-Leah, so despite her mad claims, she did not invent the term. :D

god i hate it when people cant give credit where its due...

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*me at work last night*


me (to new co-worker): hey is there anyway you can get your schedule changed to start working sat nights with me, you're a good worker


new co-worker: you're just saying that because i do the dishes for you


me: no that's not it...


new co-worker: you don't even want me to work because i'm a nice guy or anything....


me: sure i like you, you're a nice guy...a nice guy who does the dishes.....

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im gonna go homie g-fied right now... ((watch out now!))


"im seeing nothing but my dreams coming through

mothafucka while im starin' at the world through my rearview

mothafucka they got me starin' at the world through my rearview

come on baby scream to God he can't hear you

i can feel your heart beating fast cause it's time to die

gettin' high watching time fly... "



ps... tupac likes sayin' "mothafucka" a lot.. yes, a lot!

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The weather is cooling down again, prime time to pick up some momentum. Yessir, some prime time's a nearin.


I really... truely... dislike Algorithms. Its annoyingly simple and painfully elaborate. Mathematics sure is a nasty whore of a godmother.

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So, Spiffytee kept linking me to Match.com, one of these "find a chick online" sites and my sad ass looks into it, not knowin shit out here, right?

I basically tell em to find me somethin with dark hair & dark eyes. I get bombarded by fat white chicks for some reason, and proceed to ignore shit.

Then, i catch one of their mails & check outta curiousity and they recommend this chick:


see, now i know this shit's subjective but i think she's a fox, in her own band & shit so seemed cool, right? So i click on the tab to drop her an email or somethin and the site says you can do so for free, which i figure is ok, this site prolly makes a killin actin as online pimps, right? Then, it goes on to say if i give em twenty somethin bucks i get a free trial...where the fuck in there does "free" come into play? Thats amazingly gay.

Ah well, shame - she was kinda hot. Back to talkin to fat white chicks at the gym. ???

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gobstoppers are good, i feel like a little kid but it's okay.


met some more of my irish and scottish cousins today... it was quite funny... i'll post the pics prolly... later


went to in and out with leah and katheryn, that was good... yes, only in norcal


jason... man was that guy small... very tall, yet small... gettin' my hopes all high. :plain:

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i sometimes wish i wasn't such a bitch, and could be nice to people, maybe more forgiving... then again i think i fgive people way too many chances and am way too forgiving already. but that's just with people i know. i guess it sucks for those i don't know, cause i don't give em much time to make a first impression, nor very often give them the courtesy of creating a new impression.


why would a friend ever be that fucked up? i could never even imagine doing some of the shit that friends have pulled on me... what have you got to prove? you already got a boyfriend so you gotta go off and swipe BOTH of mine?!? what the fuck is up with that?!? okay enough rant for tonight... i am tired... goodnite... :D

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