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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Dear Squaresoft:

I know you guys dont have a strong interest in any non-Final Fantasy titles but now the crew behind Xenogears is with Monolith stuidos out of Namco, and Xenosaga comes out over here in less than a week. If the reviews are true, theyre kicking your ass....you should be nicer to people, even (especially) if their epic RPG series might offend the religious people out there who dont even play your games.

ps i love you.

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You know what? I seriously didnt even have that much to drink last night, was buzzin pretty good but long before i got on the board. So if any of my crude posts offended you, it wasnt the alcohol, it was me. And chances are i stand by what i said.

ps ok it did feel like i was gonna barf for a second there bu that thankfully passed after the cup-o-soup.

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Yeah John Mayer won the best male performance grammy. Yeah like you care, but boy did he look good in that suit.


Oh and Nora wiped the floor with everyone tonight. Tim tells me she won a total of 8 grammys. It was like the Nora jones show. Has anyone heard her music besides the one they keep playing over and over. I'm not saying she ain't good or anything, probably the most deserving out of the lot of them.


But as a John advocate. This chick opened for him last year and ended up doing better than him. Oh the irony of it all. But I still love John. He will be mine one day. :D Enough of my ranting, back to planning for the little monkeys.

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Ok, ive been noticing something on Kazaa lately (the single reason i never have hard drive space for shit).

I went looking for this silly house song stuck in my head, "La Bouche - In your life" (shut up, i like the bridge)...only 2 people have it so i leave it be, get some new Wu ones so i can review there newer stuff, right?

I check back again, like a minute later, and tons of people have it all of a sudden...almost a server full, id say. The filenames vary ("REAL", "NO LOOPZ", "Remix" etc) but fortunatley Kazaa lets me see the tag on them before downloading, and theyre all the same copy...I download a few "versions" of it, and the damn thing fades into silence in the early part of the first verse...I only got it cause some guy showed up with a working version of his own for a minute or so.

Point is, ive seen some of this "poisoning the well" method before, god knows when Eminen's "The Eminem Show" was leaked a few days before the album dropped there was ton of this looping/fading fake shit out there. I understand this might be the recordindg industry (or some function of it) trying to discourage guys like me from gettin mp3's, but what im curious is why havent i heard any one else talk about it? I mean, not too long back the biggest problem with filesharing mp3s was that theyd cut off or be improperly named (the fault of random users like myself), now it seems as tho the recording industry is taking part of the process and no one else is noticing?

I should post this one in the music corner if i want a response, i guess...

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