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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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The dead were scattered over the mountains and valleys, kying immobile on their sides. Hittin shrugged off their carcasses and the perfume of victory was thick with the stench of them. I passed them and saw the limbs of the fallen cast naked on the field of battle, scattered in peices over the site of the encounter, lacerated and disjointed, with heads cracked open, throats split, spines broken, neck shatterd, feet in peices, noses mutilated, extremeties torn off, members dismembered, parts shredded, eyes gouged outm stomachs disemboweled, hair coloured with blood, the praecordium slashed, fingers sliced off, the thorax shattered, the ribs broken, the joints dislocated, the chests smashed, throats slit, bodies cut in half, arms pulverized, lips shriveled, foreheads pierced, forelocks dyed scarlet, breasts covered in bloodm ribs pierced, elbows disjointedm bones broken, tunics torn off, faces lefeless, wounds gaping, skin flayed, fragments chopped off, hair lopped, backs skinless, bodies dismembered, teeth knocked out, blood spilt, life's last breath exhaled, necks lolling, joints slackened, pupils liquified, heads hanging, livers crushed, ribs staved inm heads shattered, breasts flayed, spirits flown, their very ghosts crushed; like stones among stones, a lesson to the wise.

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This is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I repeat, this is a random post... I rejahooommamooielalahahahooooiieeeeeaaawwwwwniieee@$%^&*#@$..... error

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Morning show's giving away Fleetwood Mac tickets... :D Called in 'round seven-thirty this morning and was caller two (needed to be ten), called back twice, and they must've gotten someone already 'cause it was busy both times...trying again within the next fifteen minutes... :D


I'm pathetic. :D

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so, am i the only one stoked that CCR is coming to the Dixon May Fair? fuck yea,,fuck the fact that Leann Rimes is the headliner here..i wanna see CCR for $5


(owen by the way...i'm SOOOO dragging you guys along to see them with me, i'm still bitter i was working last year when Joan Jett came to May fair)

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Hard_Boiled.gif "So, i was thinking, you know things would be a lot cheaper if the 4 of us split a townhose or something, and it'd be really cool! We could all watch movies, and..."


av-5.gif "Cool...that could work. Only, i have hairy hairy cats, im broke, and i dont wanna pay for utilities. I mean, the concept alone bothers me, you know?"


Hard_Boiled.gif "Uhm..ok, we can try that cat thing i guess; really gonna make it hard to find an apartment though, you know? But we can try to..."


:D "What? Fook cats! None in the house, none in nick's room, no one even mentions pussy in my presense, understand? Also, i think i might get deoprted halfway through the lease, but ill sign up. Oh, and im broke, too."


Hard_Boiled.gif "Uh...well, maybe we can reach some kind of compromise, you know? And...and I can help keep us alfoat till you guys get jobs, I guess, and..."


Chi-Chan_-_Rice.gif "Timonkey, I want big expesnive place with private bathrooms and jaccuzzis and floor made of gold...Sugoi, so nice! Ne? Oh, but it needs to be cheap too, since I cannot get job, and near to FIU too. Also, no X-Box allowed in new room, neh? Arigato gozaimasta!"


Hard_Boiled.gif "...

what the hell is wrong with you peole!? Why do you hate me?" ??? :crying:

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