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Blargh - The Random Thread


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...in unrelated news, DD fan-favorite 2Track was rumored to have been caught George Micheal-ing all over his local Burger King bathroom.

As of press time, he could not be reached for comment, though his mother did go on record saying "He's...he's been like this since he was a wee one, we'd always tell him '2t, dear, its not a toy, please stop showing it to everyone'...then people stopped visiting entirely..."

Soft Crisps tm had no comment, though industry rumors claim the controversy might heavily affect their deicion to replace Track with a 3rd Bass leftover.



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Guest Yahve

Shoot, have I forgotten how to sleep normally? There must be some hidden side effect to the HealState. Only 5 hours after a very long period of exaust without sleep and I feel awesome. Going out for a run :D

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Warren Ellis sums up how most politicians feel:


"At the end of the day. If you manage to feed 51% of the population and the other 49% go hungry thats the best you can do. Anyone who says different is lying."

                            - The Beast, Transmetropolitan

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Guest Yahve

Whispy white strands of silk begin to wrap around my arms. The threads bear little weight but bring great fear as the wrapping gets tighter and tighter. Binding is hte sensation that the silks gives in haste. This smooth and strong as steel, the Crysalis grows ever tighter. Pain before pleasure, or is pain pleasure?


Reality is mine and mine alone to play with.

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Today was bitter sweet.


Hit the bars w/ friends from my major. Everyone graduating, or soon to be. Got mad drunk @ Flannigans, met some girls, hit a club in Town & Country Mall, danced alot, it was great...


Those girls we met.


One of them was engaged.


They went w/ us to the club, the girl & her friends. We danced... the "engaged" girl who was talking so well of her man ran off w/ one of my friends & did her thing... I lose more & more respect for women every day.

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goddamn I'm exhausted, and I've barely eaten any solids today, been surviving on fuckin soda... taco bell steak bowl can remedy that.... goddammit I hate chives! WHo the hell discovered the chive? Useless fucking things taste like paper....


oh, by the way, download "Yoshimi battles the pink robots pt. 1" by the flaming lips

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