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Blargh - The Random Thread


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I wonder if Superman ever pops a boner in his tights? would spandex hold back a superboner? or would the dick of steel just rip straight out. I hope Supes has a big dick, cuz it's just too depressing to think that Superman has a small dick.

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I have these stupid little moth things all over my house. They're flying this way & that. All over. Not bothering anyone really, they don't bite or anything, but you see them doing their strange love dance over your bed and it makes you wonder... how the fuck did so many moths get inside the house.. and will they crawl in my ear and eat my brain?




I guess I'm alone on that last one.

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What is it about NYC that makes you more drunk than you think is humanly possible?

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being sick sucks, makes me wanna listen to virgos merlot...


"Hunger pains take control

Growling at the tired soul

Withered body just won't meet the


Tiny hero fighting big battles

Mind of stone breaks and rattles

The only thing I need, kiss my disease

And make it all better

Clean me when I bleed, justify me

Make words of my scattered lettters"

Edited by JunkerSeed
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Is there something wrong with my webpage or something, because having the blargh comments on the frontpage is making it very difficult for me to even enter the site especially if the pictures are really really large and it totally pushes the other stuff to the right and I can never find the damn button icons. Ack what a mission.

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Bah...back to sweet home Eire on thursday for a month of heavy drinking and tryna have sex with all the girls I've ever wanted to but was too much of a pussy to aproach, then it's off to San Francisco (I heard the gays go :P ) for me where I won't be shamed by seeing the girls who undoubtably will say no walking down the street!


*phew* gotta love those run-on-sentances...

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And Azazel made known to them the metals, and the art of working


them, and bracelets and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the


beautifying of eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colored


tinctures. And there arose much godlessness and they committed


fornication, and they were led astray. And as men perished, they cried


and their cry went up to heaven. And now, behold the souls of those


who have died are crying and making suit to the gates of heaven.

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"I can kinda deal with the blacks, the latins, all of that shit, but not the fags, you know?"


You ever wonder why people are so quick to hate? Shit like that's pretty common...its like you people dont get it: oppression is oppression is oppression. As long as any are held back, none are truly free.

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