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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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Based on a true phone call.



-This is the operator, may I help you?

-I need an emergency phone call put through...

-Sir, we've told you over the past 2 years that we don't give emergency calls everyday.

-Please, lady, it's my mamma's birthday. I need to speak to her, she's in the hospital.

-Sir, everyday you say it's your mother's birthday and that she's in the hospital.

-No, no, this is an emergency. Can you make the call for me?

-Sure sir, how will you be paying?

-Didn't you hear me, lady? I need a courtesy call.

-Sir, that is not an option.

-They have done it for me before.

-Sir, we have never given you this call.

-Listen, lady, are you going to help me or not?

-Yes, sir. How will you pay for the call?

-I already told you I need this call put through. Do your job!

-Ok, sir. I will. How will you pay for the call.

-You know what? You don't know what your doing. You're fired!

-I'm fired, sir?

-Yeah, I'm going to get someone else to help me. (hangs up)


**2 minutes later that same day**


-This is the operator, may I help you?

-I need an emergency phone call put through...

-Sure, sir. I would love to help you, but you just fired me.

-I did? Well.... your re-hired....

-I am?


-Ok, sir. Then, how may I help you?

-I need an emergency phone call put through...

-I'm sorry, sir, but that is still not an opition.

-Stupid... (hangs up)


**Yet, another 2 minutes later**


-This is the operator, may I help you?

-I need an emergency phone call put through....

-Sir, it's me agian.

-Does anyone else work there?

-Yes, sir. Sadly, they have gone to lunch or home for the day. How may I help you?

-Crazy bitch.... (hangs up)



:D **Till this day, he still calls for his emergency phone call....** :D :D

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