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Blargh - The Random Thread


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fuck you nick!! there goes my night of sleep. dammit!! even the sarah michelle gellar commercial gives me chills. not because she's in it or anything. but the images that were in the original (the lady crawling down the stairs...the cat boy...etc.). goddamn that was a scary ass movie.

Edited by La Lindsay
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HEY! NO REPLIES TO OTHER POSTS! What the hell am I talking about again? Dammit, I need to take my ritalin... anyone seen my Chuck Palahniuk book anywhere? I forgot which one it was, the writing and twists are all the same. Did I ever mention I love Fight Club? Brad Pitt is soo hot I can cook an omelette on his hair! Did that sound gay? I hope so...

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yeah, rall is the goods - good t'see another convert!


Uhm...wanna see something really gross?


I don't mean dog eating puke gross, I mean so fucking disgusting you're not gonna be too happy for clicking the following link.


So, I warned you...and if you can't handle the shit I'm sorry, but I found this shit by accident and so now I'll share the "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" with you......


click here

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maybe after work...


You know, if i misplace a handful of x-rays, i prolly get fired. As an EMT, if i have an accident while driving the ambulance - even if its not my fault - id lose my EVOC license.

Come to think of it, even as a "mistake",if we hire the president with votes, why would you let a guy keep a job after his review shows huge net loses and an unnecessary, messy war?



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i don't think you wanna look...it's grody...


Fuck sake. We had the idea to have some bestiality on the cover for the next Whacked Motherfacky Band compilation (we have 20 "albums" and God knows how many "EPs") so on my first ever look for said art I was kinda grossed out. Methinks it may be better off using an Abu Gharib pic - it's alot less disturbing...and I don't have to work on it...

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