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Blargh - The Random Thread


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John Wayne-type ideals teach to never give up, no matter what.

Bushido-type ideals teach to be strong yet flexible - if the way is too hard, you shouldnt keep at it...the proper way should flow, not be an uphill battle.


I dont know where that leaves me sometimes. Im gettin by doing what im doing but little is coming easy these days. Itd be a lot easier if i believe in fate/destiny type shit as a wanky guide. But i dont...so...here's to thinks workin out, for better or worse.


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"We commute to computers

Spirits stay mute while you eagles spread rumors

We survivalists, turned to consumers

To get by.. just to get by

Just to get by, just to get by

...Yo, activism - attackin the system, the blacks and latins in prison

Numbers of prison they victim black in the vision

Shit and all they got is rappin to listen to

I let them know we missin you, the love is unconditional

Even when the condition is critical, when the livin is miserable

Your position is pivotal, I ain't bullshittin you

They need somethin to rely on, we get high on

all types of drug...when, all you really need is love.."


- Talib Kweli, "Get by", one of those songs so cool you're amazed it gets radio play.

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Care Bears are back!!! Woo-hoo! That is so kick ass!!! I'm gonna get 'em all and play with 'em all day and then when I go to bed I'll snuggle up to 'em.


Uh..I mean...Care Bears are so gay. Pah. What would I want with a Care Bear.


(Phew I was nearly outed...)

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"We at the Ramada Inn TM belive our employees should just be themeselves, but at the same time, do whatever it takes to please the customer.

While we encourage personal creativity, we require you adhere to our strict employee handbook on how conservative white people look, because we're truly concerned with our customer's peace of mind.

In addition, our competitive wages are more than fair, blah blah blah"


Yeah, but you made me sit through 4 and a half hours of training bullshit and i still dont know exactly what i do here. All I know is that if im found around the premises after i clock out, mixing with the better people, im fired on the spot. But hey, im part of a corporate "family" now, right?




Please check my references and stop dicking with me, I know what I'm doing. You're a temp job, nothing more, dont jazz it up. There's no such thing as corporate functions within capitalist societies that come anywhere near my idea of "family", dont sully the word like that, and stop trying to taint notions like "loyalty" while were at it.

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"Hi my name is Rob. The year was 1987. And it's a story about how a friend and I scammed Toys-R-Us and got a bunch of NES games.


We ventured to the Toys-R-Us by our my house a couple days before Christmas and bought the game Rygar.


At the time it was a pretty penny at $45. We played it and it is still to this day one of my favorite games.


Here's where the scam begins. We wanted to keep the game but get our money back for it when we planned on returning it.


What we did was find some thing that was about the same weight as the game. So we took a deck of cards and put it in the box. It fit perfectly and we thought that if the exchange guy was dumb enough he'd buy it.


My friends mom had a shrink-wrap machine so we wrapped it up (with the deck of cards inside) and went to return it. The first one was the scariest, but it was after Christmas so there was a lot of returns.


The friendly people at Toys-R-Us were more than friendly in returning our product. Our little trick worked about seven times.


But while we were returning T&C Surf designs we got busted. The lady gave us a funny look but gave us store credit. When we were checking out with R.C. Pro-Am we got pulled aside by the store manager who had the deck of cards in his hands.


Well our parents had to come down and take us away. Luckily we didn't have to pay for any of the hundreds of dollars we had scammed.


We played dumb and said it was our first time and that we got the idea from some 6th grade kids. So that was how I got 7 free games and got permanently banned from the Woodlan Hills Toys-R-Us.


I suppose you could do the same thing these days with N64 games? They are probably wise to the trick though. But then again Christmas returns are always madness (but you didn't hear nothing from me)."

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