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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Saw spirited away in theaters for the fourth time today. It looks like it's making money, half full theater on a tuesday night! Also had a couple of rows full when I saw it with my sister the other day at like noon, it's usually empty as hell then. Glad that people are seeing this one. I love the fact that I can see it on the big screen a billion times now that it's open everywhere... and beleive me, I'm taking advantage.... DVD wont do it justice untill I get rich and buy an 80" widescreen with a huge surround system.

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Warren Ellis - die puny humans


"You know how I like to relax? I like to go to a small hotel and take heroin. Just lay on the bed and feel my bowels slowly unclench. I like to lay on the bed, naked, with my guts oozing on to the sheets, nodding out and watching The Fashion Channel. All those skeletal smacked-out girls. The faces of angels and the bodies of Ethiopians. Heroin angels, strutting around for me. With Enya playing. They play a lot of Enya on The Fashion Channel. Great regiments of heroin angels lined up in endless long dressing rooms elegantly banging smack between their delicate toes to the soundtrack of "Robin Of Sherwood". A million perfect lips part as the heroin transforms in their scented bloodstreams, and they rise as one, drifting gracefully through morphine orgasms. Walking around for me on my television as I go slowly blind, the continual popping of tiny blood vessels in my eyes making new-age bell-like sounds in my inner ear.


I am as beautiful as them, and you are to ignore the rabbit droppings steaming on my bed: interior chocolates placed on the pillow by the solicitous maids of my bowel.


I get up and dance, scattering the gifts of my intestines across the Edwardian carpet, ignoring the shrieking of the housekeepers and the priest they called in.


"Phone DC Comics," I sing to them. "It's all in the contract."

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Oy vey, What a girl wants was really a raging pile of shit. I mean, I know what you're saying, "No crap it's a pile of shit, it's a shit disney produced commercial kid's movie, what did you expect? And why did you see that shit anyways?" Well I see a kids movie every week with my sister, and when she doesn't even like the fuckin thing.... you know it's a peice of shit. This one obviously doesnt deserve a review, but I just had to vent about how utetrly bad it was, even from an 11 year old girl's perspective. Fair warning tho, don't subject your children or siblings to this dung, take em to spirited away, even if it's for the 4th time.

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