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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Well it took 2 whole quarters to go by and Ms. Chin finally catches a cold from her students! Being sick sucks so much, especially when it's a three day weekend and I've been a complete dork and not visited any of my friends since I started to work. On the bright side, I bought another house, which is empty and ready to move in. So in like 2 weeks, I think we'll be ready to go.

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What the fuck is the world coming to when the new Metallica song is like ten times worse than the new Linkin Park song? You know, I was the first person to jump in and defend Load and Reload (umm, especially Load). Those were still pretty good cds. This new "Saint Anger" shit is just fucking garbage. I don't need Metallica trying to convince me that they're angry! They're like a borderline emo band now or something. And what the fuck is it with the chorus? It sounds like that Evanescance song that has that random male backup singer that doesn't belong. ("I've been livin a LIE!") Anyways, Metallica can just fucking blow me right about now, I'll go to the tour for Mudvayne and the Deftones, and I just hope that they won't play too much new shit.

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Forgot to share this one from Fort Worth rap station 97.9...

"Dat's right, ya'll up in the place to be with Action Jackson & DJ Big Bink, and we live at the spot, lotta fine lookin ladies here tonite..."

"Speakin of which, dog...check shorty right here..."

"Damn! Move it like a snake, ma! Hey homegirl, how old you is?"

"*tee hee* this is my 17th birthday actually!"


"Red light; i'ma stop..."

"I'm sayin....i aint puttin my keys up in that ignition."

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See, they fuck up your dates a lot when youre in grade school, then again in college & alla that, but now that im free...today's june 1st, that means its officially summer goddammit. This one's gonna be really fun, i can feel it. :D

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Today, for example. Today should be fun. The idea of :D is that we fish, tho we have no equipment, boat, nor particular body of water in mind.

I'm not callin the shots today tho, so what the hell? I mean, i cant quite look for jobs on a sunday very well, and animal crossing'll be here when i return. I'd like to see what fish we intend to catch with our, uh..hands.

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Mad props to Jax for his Billy Shears title, rock on the Beatles. I think that was one of the mysteries surrounding thier songs, who was Billy Shears? ???


And a little rant to the music snobs I was speaking to. Sure I accept Hendrix is a better musician than Cobain but dammit I'd rather stick on Nevermind than Experience. Oh yeah, and Love suck.

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Guest Yahve

I won a chess match today. Most unexpected due to the fact that it was held at work today. Between busing tables and attending to cafe customers, there was a couple of classic bookstore bums that spent the evening playing chess and not buying anything. In light of my frustration at them, since I have no authority to kick them out, I challenged them. Fully expecting to lose, I imagined them to be really good, I began a 2 hour game to which I gave very little attention. Every few minutes or so I would swing by and make a move. Eventually I was surprised to find myself in superiority of pieces with not a bad position. This eventually turned into a very blah victory. Nothing pretty but it got hte job done. What I found interesting is that I didn't commit any of the classic retarded mistakes I commit when I play full concentration chess. I found that pretty funny. Something to analyze later I suppose.


Or they could just really suck at chess. Who knows. It's late and time for bed. Gnite all.

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So Celtic are playing Porto in the cup-final and I decide to get a bottle of Glenfiddich to watch during the match. Hell, if your gonna do it do it in style, right? The night goes on and I stumble across this beautiful korean girl on the street and sparks fly. We go back to my friend's house for some slap and tickle and I get her number in the morning and we start off this relationship.


Not only is this girl beautiful (especially for an ugly cunt like meesa) but she's cool as a motherfuck. And the sex. The sex was great. Fuck you if you think I'm shallow or whatever. I'm just telling the truth.


On Sunday I left Ireland for San Fran and I'm never gonna see her again. Doesn't life just suck? Looks like the bottom of the bottle for me.

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You know...I did a lot of partying in Miami..but in Gainesville the weekends are so long that the partying seems for ever...



oohh what we are the 7 most college party town..damn we dropped two points...






will the insanity ever end?? :D:D

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