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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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You people...you arent even looking at my shit.

Look, what you want? Comics? I got you. Bootleg tapes? Step into my office. Illegal cassette recorders? Done. Hentai? I'm your man.

I mean, fuck, what exactly would you people pay up for?! ???

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Things you can pay for stuff on Ebay with


Uh....I'm gonna say...pocket lint


Okay, 2track says "pocket lint", our survey says







For the next round, 2track we need to know something that Star Wick blows


Uh...oh God...I'll have to go for...uh...


Take your time


Uh...I'm gonna say...the flute


2track says the flute. This is for $3000. Do you feel confident


Well I thought the pocket linen was a winner and you saw how that turned out


Okay. You said "the flute". Our survey says...





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So, I've been thinkin, why does yahve get to boot me from his thing? Isn't it fucked up that he technically owns the board? If any other member of the board had a problem with me, it wouldn't matter, we'd just be civil to each other or one of us would voluntarily leave. But I get yahve pissed at me (and he's a fucking basket case, so this is no hard task) and I'm booted off the board? In retrospect we should have chosen someone relatively sane untill we trusted them to "own" the board. Sure it takes work to put up a message board. But I do know 15 year olds that have put up boards with as many features as ours. It's not a herculean programing task. The board is what it is because of the people on it, not the delusional psycho who plopped it on the internet. It's kinda like how micheal jackson owns the beatles' songs... what the fuck is up with that? Um... anyways, yeah... yahve sucks. Oh, and ask anyone, I've held back from saying a single harsh word about this burden on the soul of society untill the wretched cumguzzler decided to boot me off the board. He went from quietly hating me to banning me. Quiet hatred is fine, but the one time the moron does get confrontational he fucks up something I really don't think he should have so much power over. I've put plenty into this board, and now I'm just off. So, the "owner" of the board (this is his "home" he says) has just banned one of his most active and productive members. So, I just wanna say, at the risk of sounding repetative. Fuck yahve. and if he rode in on a horse, well, fuck the horse too!

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Lo and behold, Junkerseed. The man raging against the machine, against the unfair establishment set forth to crush him.


He stands alone on the brink of disaster, one finger pointing towards the heavens in an attempt to defy the very Gods themselves who set this universe in motion. In one final, futile moment, the man known once as Junkerseed brandishes his blade of metaphor and wit and swings it wildly in the night sky, attempting to scar the very fabric of this dimensional plane, this home we know only as DD.


Yet, in an instant we all will witness the coming. The tidal wave of administration is upon him, invisible to the naked eye, yet ever present in the world of electricity. It bears down upon his very existence, beckoning him to inch furthur so it may swallow his soul. Yet, he continues to swing his mighty blade.


Swing on, Junkerseed.

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Today...is interestin. Were not just lookin at the calm before the storm (thank you for the Warcraft theatrics there, Mr Chiefy), were also buttfucking the rules of Blargh.

I'm off to play some Rage...and fuck you, i wont do what ya tell me.

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