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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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Previous, failed attmpts at a DD/Hondo's mascot:



Distinguished Cat

+: More attractive to the bourga buzhwa uppity people; less likely to vomit on you then Drinky.

-: He looks like he might be ready to damn well maul you (lookit the ears).


Aquaman gettin jiggy

+He believes in shakin' it, not breakin' it; it took his mama 9 months to make it

-..but no one really wants to see that.



Hamlet Monkey

+Flings skulls, not poo, at others

-Verily, his soul is so heavy, that he could see his shadow upon the sun; for what...goddammit stop masturbating! :dissappointed:



Hedgehog the Hedgehog

+Spiky, animal recognition due to Sega

-Spiky, not very fast at all, as it turns out.


Other candidates (thanks to everyone who came out, really! If i couldve chose you all, I would have:






Hot doggy dogg






The pity vote (nice try, tho)



Richard Gere's mouse

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Other 80's hits written simply to have 2T bukkake them:


Billy Idol - White Wedding

Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the sky

Ready for the World - Oh, Sheila

Peter Gabriel - In your eyes (heh)

Tears for Fears - Shout


Thank you. and remember, every move you make, I'll bukkake you. :D:D

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Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! It seems that I have asked 3 questions that not even the omniciant Irish Cowboy can answer.


On a lighter note, my new hobby of looking at personals (russian mail order brides is a current favorite of mine), I came across this New Joyzee starlett, not even five miles from here who says, and I quote - that "love ain't nothin' but sex misspelled."




Words to live by if ya ask me. The gal also says that the best music to get in the mood is "really deeply depressing music with great lyrics. a few examples: man of the world by peter green, fell on black days by soundgarden, dust in the wind by kansas...."


Obviously this poor misguided girl has never heard Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get it On" L.P., the only tune to get down to is "Come Get To This"*. Maybe like Johnny Appleseed, I could become 2track Comegettothis, where I travel around the country introducing lovers to the power of Marvin...



*disclaimer - Jax will probably name 100 other songs that are much better to get down to, but as for now "Come Get To This" is the ultimate lovin' tune.

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