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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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Interesting day.  Saw it getting boring, got a call from a friend stranded with no gas.  Looked for rolls to put his pennies in, left with fuzzy dice for my car, a frisbee, and a bubble sword, found out that Win Dixie has a machine that converts your change into bills!!!  Also figured out that a water bottle is just fine for filling with gasoline (just not so fucking fast!) and even for putting the gas into the car, no funnel required.  Resourcefullness and luck saved the day.  As for the rest of the night..... eh... um.... I learned crazy train on guitar.... that was cool....  


I've mastered having fun nights, and now I can have fun days, now I need to combine the two....

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Allright, think, think!  Come on!  We live in Miami for god's sake!  We live in miami in the summer!  People come from miles!  People come from all over the world to be here!  What do they do?  Where do all of these people go to have so much fun?  No, no, they don't all go to clubs, that's impossible.... there must be something we're missing.  I want to know where these people go, why do they come here?  They don't come here to sit around at steves house that's for damned sure...  I've been living in this city for 19 years, and I don't see what the fuss is all about!  It's a nice place and all, but I wouldn't travel halfway across the world to come here!  We live in the party capital of the world, and we're sitting around doing nothing... We must be able to find something to do.... eh.... lets go watch a movie...

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Ha!  Metalrules.com has to be the best music site out there, very no nonsense, love this review of theirs.  Goddamned shitty band endo used to be local in miami...


"Endo - Evolve


Mallcore! There is almost nothing worse than being surprise-attacked by the pernicious poison of rap-metal, and finding your CD player infiltrated without warning by the sickening sounds of metal’s enemies waging auditory war against everything you believe in. Perhaps I should have been tipped off by the fact that Endo, a self-proclaimed “ferociously searing” band from Florida, is on a major label, and since major labels hold true metal in the same regard as most of us hold our feces, I should have known their promotional people would not have bothered to check what Metal-Rules.com is all about before sending this crap to us. So, since they have chosen to affront us by daring to send us this slab of complete, gut-wrenching garbage, I will return the favor by permitting my pen to savage its worthless expanse with as much vitriol as it can muster.


Basically everything you hate about mallcore is here – bald heads, Adidas clothes, warmed-over hip-hop riffs, vacuous arrangements, vocals that range from wanna-be Pantera screams to standard-issue electronically distorted “walkie-talkie” vox. Every single track of this offensive atrocity drives a knife into the side of true metal. THIS IS NOT METAL. It’s lame rap the consistency of vaguely gelatinous shit, quivering pathetically in the wind of popular culture. I can’t believe I actually stank up my stereo with this garbage long enough to give it an honest review, and I felt dirty and shamed afterwards by the experience. The fact that anyone would even bother sending this CD to us is a particularly vicious insult and shows a serious lack of understanding of metal fans and what they want to hear.


The bottom line is this: if you are tempted in the least to go anywhere NEAR this truly atrocious band, you deserve the experience of listening to this CD. If you ever doubt that mallcore must be wiped off the face of the earth like the vile, intelligence-killing plague it is, just pop EVOLVE into your stereo and hear for yourself to what depths the enemy can sink. "

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Sarcastic, nah I'm not sarcastic at all!  I'm just a little ray of sunshine!  I live in lollypop land on gum drop lane!  I would never be sarcastic!  I'm too busy dancing with elves and leprechauns, yes thats it I'm living in a world of elves and leprechauns!

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"and baby you're all that i want

when you're lyin here in my arms

I'm findin it hard to beleive

w'ere in heaven...."



Goddammit dinghy!  Look what you have me listening to!  So fucking cheesy!....... I so shouldn't like this...  I mean, just listen to it!..... bah!  eh well, alright, I give in goddamit...


"I'm gonna run to you!"



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What the fuck is this thing?  A roach?  A rat? What?  Well, I'll tell you what it is....it's fucking dead that's what it is.  Motherfucker signed his death warrant by coming into this room, making all sorts of fucking noise, I turn the lights back off keeps moving around... at 5am, this shit is really pissing me off, I'm gonna take pleasure in killing the living hell out of this thing.    :angry:

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"Excuse me! we dont hang around the front desk area!"

"We? Are there more than one of you? Look, i just came for my paycheck."

"Could you tell your friend that he needs to wear a belt, or we're sending him home next time?"

"That, that doesnt sound like a question....he has a name, ya know, its Jonathan Kong, you could ask him if ya want..."

"Did you go to the 401k meeting? Its going on right now."

"Uh, no, im part time and way off retirement, i just want my paycheck so i can go home..."

"Wait, why arent you at your post?"

"Because its rainin cats & doggies out there, and im goin home, so just gimme my paycheck and im outta your hair."

"Ok, but make sure to tell your friend about his belt problem."


What the fuck is this, Office Space?!  I could..i could...burn this place down...

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"It's a new technology to help you look at things different, to open up your mind to know things you didn't know you could know"

"Oh, acid?"

"No, no, it's a technology that just helps you with whatever problems you might have"

"Ok, what exactly is it? What is the actual "technology" behind it?"

"You go in and we show you how to open up your mind."

"So... it's self help?"

"No, no, not self help?"

"What does that have to do with technology?"

"It's a new way of doing things"

"No it's not, it's self help, it's a room full of people that charge you hundred of dollars to spit out stupid buzzwords and tell you something that you could have learned from Yoda or Mr. Miyagi in the movies..."


God damned stupid people get on my nerves sometimes

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