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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Principle: Buttered toast in free fall will land butter-side down (frequency of this directly proportional to quality of carpet)


Principle: Cat in free fall will land feet-down.




The Buttered Cat Array


A means of providing near-limitless vertical lift for transportation in a gravity field. Cats with buttered toast strapped to their backs will be in perpetual limbo between these two laws of nature, and thus hover.

Amount of lift can be varied by sliding various pieces of carpet under the buttered cats.

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Guest Yahve

the end of an era. must fight tears back with anger and finals. why do i keep blaming timing? it must be me somehow.


I am afterall responsible for all my actions. big fucking news.


For what matters, I appreciate my time here more than anyone can imagine. Not because of miami, it sucks ass, but because of a few friendly openminded folk that made it all worthwhile.  Not an easy thing to do, getting harder the more we advance down the path.


:scared:  :wary:  

*grips onto reality for what it's worth*

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One more essay, one more class to go, then the transaction's complete.  


"Most people get to 40 and have a midlife crisis, and that's just boring. They bore their friends by going around saying, "What's it all about? What's the point?" I thought it might be at least more entertaining to go spectacularly mad and start worshipping a snake and declaring myself to be a magician."

                  -Alan Moore

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I've been thinking about my place in the Universe.

I thought how huge the Universe was. So huge I couldn't really comprehend it.

I thought even how huge our Galaxy, our solar system, our world was.

It made me feel very small and insignificant.

I thought "I am just one man in all this chaos"

I thought "What difference can I possibly make?"

Then I thought "Aw, who cares?" and went to have lunch. Mmm, sandwich.

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sometimes  i think i could have done better. pushed myself harder. actually taken the road less traveled and cracked down on my acedemics in high school. but what the hell.. i dicked around.. didn't do as well as i know i'm capable of.. who cares.. i can still get into Sac State..  :p

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