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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Presentation of my theory:


There would be no war, no prejudice, no hatred, no injustice, not crime, no unhappiness, if everyone watched the Simpsons. This is the common cultural bond we need to unite peoples of the world. Imagine:


Dude #1: My god is the one true God!

Dude #2: Blasphemy! Denounce the name of my, the one true, God! Prepare to die!

Dude #1: You shall be the one who dies, God is with me in this battle!

Dude #2: Burn in hell, infidel!

Dude #1: Hey, that reminds me, did you see the Simpsons last night where Homer went to hell for selling his soul for a donut?

Dude #2: Ha! That was awesome. I love that episode. All the Treehouse of Horror specials are great.


An hour or so of reminising about old Simpsons episodes commences.


Dude #1: Wait a minute, how did we get on the topic of the Simpsons?

Dude #2: I forget. Anyway, which was better, the episode with The Smashing Pumpkins or the one with The Who?

Dude #1: Oh, tough one! I can't decide. The one with Aerosmith was better than both of them.

Dude #2: Oh man, total cop-out! Obviously, but that wsn't the question!


The only reason this couldn't happen everywhere in the world, everytime conflict ensues, because not everyone watches the Simpsons. I don't think I'll be hearing any kind of possible argument to this theory. It's bulletproof.

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People Just need to fucking take responsability for the ramafications of their god damn actions.


Don't take a 5 week vacation and then Call to bitch at me when you get cancelled. :D


"I didnt get my bill!" :D


I just dont fucking care! :D You know damn good and well when its due every month. Pay your bills on or ahead of time or have someone taking care of your finances while your away!


Stop blaming other people for your ineptitude!

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"There is something to be learned from a rainstorm.

When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. By doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you get the same soaking.

This understanding extends to everything."

- Hagakure

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As a rule of thumb, no, im not fuckin interested in movies that involve any combination of "extreme" sports, bad rap-metal whoring out the trailer, and mock-actors like The Rock, LL Cool J (great musician, mind you) and im damn near ready to say Vin Diesel but i aint watched much of his stuff so far so im givin him a fightin chance, but it dont look good.

Point is, make the judgement call: if it looks like crap, its probably crap, and no i dont wanna endure it with you. Fucksake, ive got Pulp Fiction right here.

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