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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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's an odd day today...im finally free of the medic program, more or less. I slept good but my habits are still all over the place, still feeling worn and everyone's noticing it. I dont seem to have any hangover from yesterday, so that's good...anyway, if youll excuse me, i think ill go pick a fight.

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It blows my fucking mind that it's taken Megan visiting to tell me there's a Captain America's Bar & Grill/Rock 'n' Roll Mueum in Dublin. I'll scan the actual pamphlet onto here laters, but for now- shame on the Irish Niggas failed to inform.

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no, skeeter was a wallflower till 2T dipped out for a bit, then he becamse quite the mouthy little cunt. he saw his chance to shine.


So, did my month-I WILL GET 1,500 POINTS FOR FREE CONTRA HYPERFOCUS-leave do the same to ASC. If so I should fuck off all the time. Maybe when I come back MH will be sacrificing virgins* on altars made of human remains**




* doj

**skin peelings from the sunburnt ninja

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So, did my month-I WILL GET 1,500 POINTS FOR FREE CONTRA HYPERFOCUS-leave do the same to ASC. If so I should fuck off all the time. Maybe when I come back MH will be sacrificing virgins* on altars made of human remains**


* doj

**skin peelings from the sunburnt ninja



Only if you add me back on XBL :( My username is Frailure!

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Yours was written by Immonen, Christian name Stuart(I'm assuming) who's a mediocre artist I didn't even know wrote. Mine was written by Rucka, who's the saving grace of DC. At the very aside from that, mine's got Ra's a Ghul and can beat near-everyone in the DC universe. Yours cries a lot and can't father children with easy earth-girls.

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