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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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See now this is why living as a nomad and not owning stuff is the way to go, at the very fucking aside from owning a home. The dishwasher backed up last night while we slept, pissed water all through our kitchen which was confronting enough when Alana got up to piss at 5am. Once the clean-up for that was underway I went downstairs to get ready for work and BAM I now have the most expensive indoor wading pool in Logan. Mercifully(incredibly fucking mercifully) the consoles, tv & stereo weren't touched. Due to the beam set-up, the water was quite evenly distributed in a neat X across the whole area, my couch is fucked(more than it was already) and it didn't occur to me til just now that hopefully my bookcase is clean & dry. Insurance'll fix the ceiling & damage, but noone's doing shit about the cardboard standees(Wolvy & my brand-spankin' new Gears of War) that're now for shit. Fuck it, it coulda been a lot worse...

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Eat shit. Noone at DC were responsible for the end of Civil War or the killing of Cap, so I'm just about ready to defect.


you say that, and you sound like an abused housewife, cause you and i both know youre not going anywhere.

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