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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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Up close, the maw of the money machine can seem a weird place. (Having purchased a ticket in order to bypass Obama's press sentries, I am the only reporter, it appears, who is free to roam the event.) When Morgan Freeman comes over to greet Obama, the senator begins bowing down both hands in worship. "This guy was president before I was," says Obama, referring to Freeman's turn in Deep Impact and, clearly, getting a little ahead of his own bio. Next, a nod to Bruce Almighty: "This guy was God before I was." (Okay, more than a little ahead.) But Freeman is eating it up. Leaning in, he tells the senator to win it. "I will," Obama replies. "That's why I'm running."



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right...i meant to say "we had no hot water for my bi-weekly shower after youse guys were done".

and its no problem. im gonna long for that place again if we get an active hurricane season, cause fontainebleau kinda sucks for power losses.

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i coulndt! they left the power to the HR building off, so the automatic card-swipe door wasnt on, and the stairway's locked. i use the gym here a lot, that's the only showers i know about.

Unless you mean sneak into a room in 3 or 4 tower, but how often you guys have empty rooms?

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