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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Scott Holleran seems to know what the score is:


Hot Fuzz, which applies dry humor to the death-premise genre, is one of countless examples in this type of thing, from Saturday Night Live and Monty Python skits to South Park and Beavis and Butthead. Hot Fuzz adds a trigger-pumping leading man (dynamic Simon Pegg) who plays it straight. But it ultimately cracks the same, shopworn joke that limbs being blown off is a hoot.


A minimum of thirty-two people in Blacksburg, Virginia, were murdered in a siege that ranks as the worst shooting in U.S. history. The coordinated attack—pre-documented by the shooter and mailed to NBC—happened like a lot of what's playing in movie theaters. People who find that disgusting ought to stop and think about that the next time they pick which movie to see.



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Two random thoughts int eh car on the way to work this morning.


I put on the oldies station and Rock the Boat by Hues Corporation comes on. Great song to jam to in the car...but for the first time I pay close attention the lyrics. "Our love is like a ship on the ocean...sailing with a cargo full of love and devotion" Love is the cargo in a ship that is a similie for love? That's terrible writing! I'm not going to be able to enjoy that song anymore. Unless I'm hammered.


I had been watching Scrubs before coming to work, so with that still fresh in my mind and now thinking about music, it occured to me that with all its non-sequitors, flashbacks and daydreams that are a trademark of the show, Scrubs would be lousy candidate for a stage adaptation. Then I thought, what if they had two stages, or a long stage divided by a barrier, and one stage was covered by a curtain? Then when queued, the curtian could quickly rise, they would kill the lights on the "real life" stage, and flash the lights on the other one, where the daydream could occur. But many of the daydreams involve character present in the "real life" stage, and often in different costumes. And equally important, would about JD's inner monologue. Would he step forward and talk to the audience in the manner of a Shakespearian soliloquy? That would be odd. All this an more corfirm to be that a Scrubs stage adaptation is a terrible idea. I hope it never happens.

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