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Blargh - The Random Thread


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you know for kids




That certainly is racist. I mean, what kind've darkie can't handle his orange soda? We all know they drink it by the barrel full. Have you never seen Keenan & Kel? Oh, what's that...you haven't? Of course you haven't, you're a racist. You'd never watch that trash. It's Lizzie McGuire or bust for you, you hateful bastard.

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I wish I did. I didn't even hear about that. That'll learn 'em. The only place for the Olympics is Páirc an Chrócaigh Croke Park.





I'd like to also add that fine Americans used to give their African American employees cocaine to make them work harder. Then they became irritable and violent*. I'm telling you, give these fuckers a nice treat and they just throw their monkey shit back in your face. Savages.


*it is unconfirmed that they would not shut their hyperactive asses the fuck up.

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