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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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So I went and visted my favorite teacher today. Told him i really have no career path chosen out yet. And he told me not to worry that it wasn't the time to pick a direction. All this in less than 3 weeks from graduation. So he told me to get my masters in either science education or math education. So great now I suppose I'l be the eternal student. When is the :kitty: gonna get a clue?

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ok, i admit it. some stupid 16 year old kids ran me down in soccer today. im not in my prime and my age begins to show. this does not mean im going down without a fight. i beat them today :D and ill do so again tomorrow! ( i just hope my lungs survive that long)

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ok so its almost 8 am and I have yet to go to bed..do you see something wrong with this picture?? oh yeah and Ed and I are speaking again.. I am happy about that but no way am I going to toture myself again in even thinking about a relationship with him... DAMN IT WHY CAN'T I GET TO SLEEP... I love Miami... I don't wanna go... eehh well gotta finish packing...and not to mention shopping shit I need sleep.. enough of the typing bit got to go..




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