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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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Why cant everyone just run around drunk all time time. no need to drive, just be drunk and intelligible. It would make life so easy, ...... and yes im sober. no i dont want to get drunk....



its the PRINCIPLE of the matter !!

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Interestingly, this and the next dozen or so posts on this thread were written in the past; at this, the moment of their orignal writing, I'm saving these random thoughts to a text file so as not to forget them (i oughta be online sometime next week).

Slightly lame, granted, but fuck it: let my lack of a voice be heard!

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why the hell did i watch beavis and butthead to america..... why the hell did anyone fund somebody to produce this garbage. its so bad it hurts. and i was dumb enough to watch teh whole damned thing. d'oh

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"This post here, we like to call "Rock Island". It's a very special area of Fort Worth, named for its rocky elevation and the fact that there's only one way in and one way out."

"Like 'Where Eagles Dare'?"


"You know, the Clint Eastwood flick, with the nazis..."

"...If that helps you, sure. Only, no nazis. Rock Island is actually one of the worst ghettos we know of in most of Texas. I'm not saying you have to wear kevlar there, but...a few months back, we responded to a gang battle and apparently 'helped one side more than the other' or something, so one gang is now offering $500 to its members who come back with our badges. The star on your back is something of a target there."

"Uh...so, its kind of like Training Day?"

"...you watch too many movies."

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Made off like a bandit, guess Santa wasn't paying very close attention this year. Some great comic trades, cool shit for the apartment, Monkey Ball, Metroid - and here i was not expecting a damn thing.

For what it's worth, tho:

Dear Santa -

Thank you very much for your genorosity, but next year I will again ask you for just one thing:



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