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Blargh - The Random Thread


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"It's not our jurisdiction, detective."

"Not our jurisdiction?! That girl cant be more than 15, and we've got him on tape giving her a golden shower and..."

"Deena, we're homicide. Unless she drowns in it by the end of that tape, its not our fucking case."

- Powers, the best crime fiction in comics

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Man, sometimes ya get lucky and really catch a break.

Original plan was: move to Fort Worth, become a firefighter, right? Thing is, its competitive as hell - applications are taken once a year, and the academy, on average, gets between 650-800 applications during that period.

About 30 somethin guys get in. College degree & EMT license notwithstanding, that leaves me a lot of competition.

But, its just been brought to my attention (thanks Chrpnbrd & TD) that Tarrant County Nortwest College - not far from here, I'm told - just opened up a $17 million dollar academy of their own, now one of the premier facilities of the nation. Check out the stats on this thing:

"Spread over 23 acres, housing 12 classrooms and a 130-seat lecture hall, featrues such extensive simulations as a makeshift restaraunt, 6-story business center, hotel, and warehouse.

Simulators are also available to practice rescues in the midst of high, swift-moving water, trenches, sewers, and even confined spaces such as collapsed buildings.

Every fire in every building is controlled with the touch of a button, making it the largest computer-operated gas-fire facility in the nation."

Apparently, the computer sensors detect when an adaquate amount of water has been used to douse the fire and then deactivates them. The water comes from in-house resevoirs where it is then recycled.

Un-fucking-beleivable...tell me that shit doesn't sound cool! Only trick is, if i pay for my own fire license, that doesnt garuntee a job...havta look into it.

Wish me luck.

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I love this one Seinfeld episode where George (my favorite character, by far) is about to leave on this weekend trip with this chick he's recently starting dating, right? So, he's lookin at her tits, and thinkin to himself, "If I grab them right now, I'll never be allowed to touch them again. But, if I wait 'till tomorrow, I can touch them all I want. ...How odd."

Jesus, I miss that show.

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There was actually this chick at the grocery store the other day whose name was Billie Jean.

I was so tempted to inform her that, no, she's not my lover and the kid's not my son, but I figure, fuck, she's near my age, she musta got that one enough growing up.

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Wizard just gave Brian Azarello "Writer of the year" for a 2nd time in a row. These awards aren't Eisners, mind you, but maybe I oughta read more 100 Bullets, the 1st trade didnt quite hook me. As for his Hellblazer stuff...eh, not bad but can't hold a candle to Ennis' work. I really think it shoulda gone to Brian Michael Bendis this year: Ultimate Spider-Man and Powers were exceptional, and I'm told Daredevil & Alias weren't bad either.

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yes, so i'm a closet fan of many kinds of music... such as my homie g funk tendencies...which def can atest to (def gets really quiet on those morning rides to school when kathryn and i are singing quite loudly.. "smoke something, drink something, get ripped, make the girls at the party just strip" or something from the stylings of artists such as snoop dogg or nelly, but anyway) but another artist which i am somewhat of a closet fan of is John Mayer, that guy rocks my socks...

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Folks, its time we addressed something. I fear Mr. Junkerseed's reviews are lacking, these days.

For instance, take "Waking Life". A movie with, yes, stunning visuals; that is, viuals so good, i tried to get up and go pee but no they said "bitch sit yo ass down!" and i was stunned.

Now, Mr. Junkerseed has, in the past, described this fine film as "crotch-grabbingly good", which, upon another viewing, is quite erroneous - even the layman can recognize this film as "so good, it make you wanna slap yo mama!" As a matter of fact, I was greatful my mother was nowhere around after this cinematic tour-de-force, lest i fear she'dve been slapped.

For shame, Junkerseed. For shame. :D

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You wanna hear somethin funny?

While back, after I'd resolved m'self to leave Miami, I was debating where to move to. Id been to a few places across this fine union of ours, and I'd taken to Fort Worth (where I spent some summertime), as well as Atlanta (where I spent christmas). I kinda ruled out Atlanta cause it gets bit cold there, and I'm not at all used to snow.

So here I am, winter in Fort Worth. Now, my geography's been shit since I stopped playing Where the fuck is Carmen Sandiego?, but with the recent weather, I decided to check an atlas.

...Guess what @#$%in city actually lies a bit north of Atlanta? :D

I may not be a smart man, but ah know what cold is.

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