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Blargh - The Random Thread


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(Originally composed 12/13 or so, while i was still in EMS academy)


"In the unfortunate incident you deal with weapons of mass destruction - haz-mat stuff, you know - biological or chemcial terrorist leftovers...our protocols call for the feds at Dallas to issue these antibiotic kits called Mark 1's - they used em in that movie "The Rock", you konw? - to be sent over from their fire department's warehouses.

Once troops arrive with them and finish distributing to local hospitals, we'll get what's left."

"That...that don't do a whole lotta good to us on the frontlines, does it? We'd be long dead and infecting others before that shit got here."

"...Well, see...

You know what? You're right, that fucking sucks! How the hell do we handle a mass casualty incident when we're all dead?!

We're putting the rest of this lecture on hold. I'm gonna go get boss man and get him to explain this shit to us. Be right back."

He did too. This academy of theirs is livening up.

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Finally got my long box! I thought I had enough to fill the darn thing, but I guessed wrong. But no worries, I like my former counterpart, will fill this box soon enough and then some. Now I need some dividers and my handy labelmaker. Oh wait...a silly cowboy has that too!

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Did you know....

for a small fee of course, there are OBGYN's who can actually check your daughter to make sure the himen is intact?

That's right. Obcessive, overbearing Catholic mothers can take solace in such meaningless checkups.

"That's right, ma'm. Your daughter's dumb as a fucking post and has been down on everything but the Titanic, but no, the bitch hasn't given it up. You must be so proud." :D

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Some song by Jennifer Lopez about how "real" she is, all over the radio...word of advice: if you feel the need to rant for a couple minutes straight (poorly, at that) about how real you are, it's prolly indicative of being a very, very fake-ass bitch.

PS are you seeing my theory at work now? Songs like this being played as often as they do, and the situation in the middle east worsens....read between the lines, people!.

All i've gotta do now is connect it all to No Doubt. They're playing them like they're on commission.

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I'm wary of public bathrooms that use air blowers instead of leaving you actual paper towels.

It's not just that the establishment's too cheap, ,its an implication that that particular bathroom has, in the past, been known to have monkeys throw their feces on the walls and then eat the paper towels or something.

I've had to clean bathrooms before. If you cant even trust your clientel with paper towels, your establishment is pretty ghetto.

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For the first time in a long while, I feel like I'm floating on a cloud. New crushes should always be this fun. It's all about timing I swear, but I'm not so scared anymore. :D We'll just keep on dancing the night away and we'll always find ourselves here in warm embrace. God at 7 am even I sound sappy delerious. But I'm happy and that's all that matters.

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i had a sudden epiphany today...


i woke up this morning and realized, this one guy friend i have is a TOTAL ASSHOLE..


seriously, he has redeeming qualities and all, but really he's one of the biggest assholes i've met. the asshole-ness out weighs his good qualities as of late.


and i'm thinking to myself, mad as hell (at myself and nobody else) how did this escape my attention? all this feminism bullshit that i buy into has gone to shit by me BEFRIENDING THIS GUY. god, what the hell is wrong with me? how could i be so STUPID?

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Ya know what fucking pisses me off? Those "Honesty: Pass it on" ads in front of the movies these days (brought to you from trhe same folks who gave us "Gratitude: Pass it on.") Why the fuck do you have to advertise honesty? Do they seriously think that even one person is going to become more honest as a result of this? It especially pisses me off because they could have used the money from this useless, self-indulgent campaign and put it into a real charity or something.

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Parked in front of a Texaco gas station, in between calls of a 16+ hour shift...


"So what I wanna know, boots (nickname i picked up there, dont ask), is why don't you just beomce a paramedic? MedStar'd pay for it, and its a free ticket into the fire departments here, if that's where you wanna be."

"Don't wanna be a medic. Had a job back in Naples, Florida if I'd be a medic - not inclined."

"Then, at least rank up to EMT-Intermediate."

"Same shit, might as well be a medic."

"...You know, most of those fire guys that get their medic license, dont even use any of it since we're first on scene."

"Yeah, but then there's the times they do. You ever watched any of em start an IV, or intubate? It's a level of training they don't wanna deal with, and it shows in the patient care. I don't wanna be one of those guys."

"...Then, youre gonna have to work for some small rural station and make, like, half of what you could here."

"..Heh, my brother said the same thing, word for word...yeah, I'm well aware. I'm not making it any easier on m'self. But you've gotta appreciate - I've come this far despite a bad accident and a blinding eye condition. It's already gonna be hard enough, what's a little more effort?

All I'm sayin...I'm not chancing it. No patient's gonna get less than 100% just because I'm not inclined to that level of training. No one's gonna suffer for my ambitions."

"...you know, all the bushido stuff you study here? Me, I'm a pagan. My only creed is 'do no harm'. Our ways aren't that different."


Forgive me for the long rant, just was mildly happy 'cause it got into this spiritual/religious conversation, somethin I haven't done once since I moved here. Thought it was cool.

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Wow, I went to an Artsy movie theater and saw a good movie today, and the audience actually had some young people in it! This gables movie theater has the right idea. You get people in the door by putting the theater in a sort of fancy area (next to miracle mile) and make people feel all classy and cultured by going to see a movie. I think lots more people (especially young peopel) would go to these cool movies if they were made to feel smart just by walking in and purchasing a ticket.

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PS about public bathrooms - why is it so often the soap they provide looks like jiz? That worries me. Trust me, i know what jizz looks like in my hand, and soap dispensers - especailly at hostpitals, for some reason - look just like it. It's nasty.

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