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Blargh - The Random Thread


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The little imps whacking at my stomach, three little imps jump, play and glee


Time jumps up, gets a hold to do the spanking for me. ;)



FUCK! realization can be so relaxing.

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Did you know...

that the nitroglycerin older folks use for heart problems is the same nitroglycerin used in TNT & such explosives? In a mild dosage, its effective for dialating your cornoary arteries, thereby alleviating clots and restoring blood flow. That's interesting shit.

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:: A grown man walks over to the gumball machine in the corner and stares at it for a few minutes.::


Recepcionist> Would you like a gumball sir?


Man> YEAH, Gimme my damn Gumball!


:: The man slaps the machine hard on the side ::


Man> Gumball! Damnit, gimme my damn Gumball!


:: The man slaps the machine over and over on the top and sides ::


Recep.> Sir you have to put a quarter in.




:: The man starts punching the top of the machine harder ::

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Hah...digital karma, check it out.

While back, I actually imported these UK singles of VAST..shit off their first album like "Touched", "Pretty when you cry", etc. I had to buy 3 of these things for about $15 each, but it was cool - mixes by Robert Miles, etc. This was years back, mind you, and nobody on Napster back then had these mixes so i made sure to share em every time i went on.

So, tonite i check my hard drive, and the mp3's i ripped off these discs are gone, and I dont have a good program to steal them back from the CD's, right? So i check Kazaa, and get all 4 singles back...one of em, i just notice, is exactly how i tagged it. Shit came back to me...i just thought it was cool.

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I'm not ready for fire academy this year. Modesty aside, its a fact; I'm not.

Physically ive got too much training left. Lost too much weight after the accident, upper body wont take forever but my legs atrophied too long - I'm just now starting to squat body weight again - and cardio's a joke now that i'm not boxing. But even so...

I had to leave MedStar (EMT job) recently 'cause the pay wasn't enough and driving ambulances apparently wasnt my thing, but last Monday when i left the job, I looked over the last few days' worth of mail I had in my truck during a red light, right? Turns out the Fort Worth Fire Academy was giving out applications at a nearby mall for the next...15 minutes.

So, after some quasi-legal ass-hauling, I get there and manage to grab an application right before they shut down. Felt like one door closing behind me as another opened up.

But like i said, the competition's stiff and I still think I need time. So when I got a call yesterday about a job offering almost twice what MedStar paid me...it's not my line of work, but that's good money, and the hours aint bad.

Go in today for testing & placement & such, easy enough..on the way home, I remember I had the fire application & another copy of my resume on me, so I decide to mail it off early.

Felt good. As I left the post office & got in my truck, radio was playin "Underworld - Born Slippy", which to any of you who've seen Trainspotting, the timing was a trip to hear that one. I laugh bout it, pull out on the road just in time to have a fire truck race on by...

I dont believe in fate or any shit like that. It's a string of coincidinces at best, but it made me smile, anyway.

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Good music makes me drive faster without noticing, it seems.

Today the radio played "BT - Never gonna come back down" followed by another station playing "Foo Fighters - All my life".

They gotta watch that shit, I ran like three lights and scared the smaller cars.

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Jesus, i hope i dont get a job that makes me wear a suit.

You know what im afraid ill look like in a suit? Think back. Remember the old Sir-Mix-A-Lot video for "Baby got back" (cmon they played it like it was on commission when we were younger)? You know the part where he goes "Then turn around, stick it out, even white boys got to shout...baby got back". Right then there's this goofy lookin business-type white guy grabbing at his collar, 'cause apparently Mix-A-Lot's hoes got way too much back for him.

Anyway, im afraid id look like that guy.

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I've been tweaking profiles, adding lil pictures where i felt it's appropriate...yeah, of course i littered my page, but the point is: check out your profiles, if ya like em, cool. If you want some editing done, PM me & lemme know. I think it's a bit cooler anyway.

Oh, and...if you look at my profile, for instance, each small image is a link somewhere, with hidden text (hover over an image for a second or two).

This is an additional way to create more links or text in your profile, if you desire. Seriously, its in my hands here, so lemme know what ya have in mind & we'll give it a go.

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The one thing that nobody else EVER did is what i miss today. I miss how she made time for me. call it egocentric, but i believe we shd all be entitled to it sometimes.


- an eternal providor.

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"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success."


-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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