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Blargh - The Random Thread


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So these three 12 year olds come to me cuz they';d been beat up in the playground at my school.


I investigate the matter and take no action.


Why not, you ask?


Well, cuz it was all I could do to stop from laughing. The three little homophobes got their asses handed to them by the smaller, girlier 'fag' they were trying to bully.

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So I finally gian the ultimate weapon in Serious Sam, the Plutonium Cannon. IT Fires these massive boulder sized atom bombs that can barrel through a herd of enemies before bouncing off a few walls and exploding.


So I think Cool! Finally a way to mow down ambushes!


...was I ever wrong. Now I seem to have unleashed a Lava golem that comes in sizes from very small to Bigger than my screen can show until I'm almost out of range. AND when I fire at it it splits into more, smaller versions of itsself until its completely stamped out.



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i've taken my trig final, (a massive comprehensive booklet masquerading as a test of everything i've learned this semester), a make up test for trig (on chapter 2 for damn liner speed formulas and shit), a government final with like 80 questions (easy just tedious as shit), a psychology final (equally as easy just tedious scantron mumbo jumbo), and an english final (which was 3 essays on hamlet in a 2 hour period)


tommorow is my Chemistry and Leadership final (leadership will be easy because all i will be doing is turning in my binder and playing the homosexual version of LIFE with my buddies for two hours)


but i am really stressing about Chemistry... i'm sitting at an A- right now and want to keep it that way..


tommorow..if you will..is kind of important to me, see i failed chemistry last year, the same semester i'm taking now... so i don't know i'm doing it over..and so there's some stress.. i reallt want to keep my a in chem because it will look so cool on my transcript..and also because it's something i have to prove to myself


so anyway just felt like bitchin thought i might as well do it in blargh

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go leah. :D


tomorrow, 3 oaks, 7 pm, benefits vv school district music!!


bring your pets--i mean... children...


never eat chicken noodle soup at quizno's.


mccullogh vs. maryland: SUPREMACY CLAUSE...


cherry 7-up is neonly pink... awesomeness.


89 days left of school.


i hate mozart.


why is my audition next saturday, and why didn't i already ask mr. tipton for help? what is wrong with me? why do i have to use a double horn now and learn fingerings? i hate procrastination!! i suck!! my frozen grandma sucks!! i need my allowance...


i also need to tutor again, i'm poor i don't want a job please please... pleeeeeeeease....... i need my st. mary's letter! bitch... skidmore has reefer madness.


weefer madness. ha ha.

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I lie in bed sometimes and have Zelda snuggle up to me and settle in for a nap keeping me warm while i read and I'm very happy, I really love her so much. But always in the back of my mind a small voice that never fucking goes away and always waits for these moments to whisper in my head...




...I wish Jill was here with us.




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"Here's your last few paychecks, Mr. Custer. I think there might be too many of them to be honest, can you be sure we didnt issue you the same check twice, because lately our bookeeping blah fuckin blah..."

That's right. Bitch betta have my money. And shut your cockholster, ho, if you fucked up & payed my rent a lil longer its the least you could do for not givin me my 2 weeks notice.

Off to go enjoy my unemployment...first anime, then Mentroid.

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Do I kill threads because people think I am a troll still?


If so just to let you know that I have eased back on my trolling I still do it some but not much anymore?


And reply to me If people don't want to say shit 'bout me then stop that I am on the board I and TD's step-son, Chrpnbrd's son, and the guy who kicks IC's ass in Mario Party. So if you ever get annoyed by me tell me to shut the fuck up.




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I just had a frightening thought, I'm so getting used to the comfortable cold front hitting MIami. Its going to KILL me when it goes away and the temperature jumps up 25 degrees. Must move away soon, must live where its colder. THis temperature is awesome !!

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