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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Ill try to keep this one short, but it's on a personal note, so you might wanna skip past it.

Grew up without much money to speak of and even less family, most times - only white boy on the block, etc. Many'd say this is some kinda weak sob story, but id disagree.

No matter how much shit i took, how grey the skies got some days, how lil we might had to eat....you know, i always had good friends.

By the time i was in my early teens we left the old, ghetto neighborhood for Cutler Ridge. I was slowly growing out of religion and such, but certain id never find such good friends there as i did before.

I was wrong. They were better.

I was wrong again when i left Cutler Ridge for FIU, finding Aadil, Spiffy, Yahven, Imam, Chi-chan, many others. Now ive left it all behind again & think ive pushed my luck...

but i dont think a day passes by where i wouldnt trade all i got to go back to the cutler ridge scene, if just for a day...

To be in 9th grade, top of my academy, football, track, archery, all of it - but none of it was nearly as cool as gettin home and meetin up with m'boys. Being about 15, wantin to spend my life playin kill the man with the ball, manhunt, trampoline injuries, super soaker duels, all-day Street Fighter II battles, rap freestyle contests...I didnt realize till i talked to many others afterwards just how good i had it.

I say all this, because la pancho - Cap'N P, if youve seen him around - is sending me the latest issue of "Bloodbath!", a comic he writes, draws, publishes etc.

Its about us, in those days - the whole group of us. How fucking cool is that, a friend who does his own comic and youre in it, during your favorite point in your life? I can pick up an issue, look at how we were, and have the memories flood right back, see just how it was...

...except we've all superpowers (i have a katana i believe) and were kicking the crap out of each other for seemingly no reason...hahaha...

still, to keep up with the boys from your college, high school, even jr high days like that...who could ask for more? It's all i can do to hold an issue of this and smile.

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..are any of you reading Yahven's "Comix" link over on the frontpage? Its updated daily so unlike the "desktop of the week" you should actually check it now & again.

Fox Trot's had this good run recently on "Grand Theft Nice City"...its a trip, go take a look.

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O fuckin' hell! It can't be seriously 38 degrees outside??? Last time I checked that kind of temperature calls for some snow.

This weather isn't helping me much really, cause it just reminds me that I got noone to cuddle up with to keep warm. :D

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guess what.... in exactly a MONTH from today (feb 19) i will be legal..


let the madness begin!


P.S. i love how IC jacked that from Jesse Elhart's t-shirt... it's like Californication on this board..just can't help but be influenced by our nor-cal ways..before you know it you're going to find yourself saying "hella" (yea nick i never said hella was all me, lol)

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let it be known... leah is able to sleep in her room tonight!!! :D after six months of sleeping in the guest room (in her own house), her room is now apt for its purpose.... sleeping. thanks to a cleaning crew of two (not leah), and a few laborous hours, one could see her carpet!!! now all she needs is a quick trip to the salvation army to drop off a few unecessary items that were discovered in the heaps of junks stored in her room and all will be well... hopefully... don't disappoint us leah!!! :angry:

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Why must Jane's Adiction have only two albums? The self-titled and Kettle Whistle don't count. Sure, they may have mostly original material on them, but their live albums and aren't nearly as good as Nothing's Shocking or Ritual De Lo Habitual. So I ask, why must Jane's Addiction have only two albums?

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Well it's 2:28 AM over here so that makes it what 1:28 AM over in Texas. Which means Nick is officially 24 for about 1 and a half hours. So let's all buy him a drink or something. He's still a very young and spry guy for 24. Now that yahven guy I hear about is pretty old. But he's probably sleep coffee pouring somewhere in la la land. :sly: oh and before I forget. HAPPY Birthday Nick! :D

Edited by Mulan
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"You know jelly-wrestling... which is basically jelly with women wrestling in it... OK, well, think about this. Afterwards, after the wrestling, what happens to the jelly? Because you could sell that. That is a missed opportunity. You could bottle it and sell it... You take the women out first, obviously."


-Jeff (coupling)

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Just answered Phone Call


Me: Hi

MCI: Hi we are calling for MCI. Are you incharge of your phone bill?

ME: No

MCI: Is someone who is in?

ME: No

MCI: Do you know when a good time to call is?

ME: No

MCI: Ok we will call back in about an hour.

ME: No

MCI: What?

ME: No

MCI: ??Ok well, one of our representives will reach you in about an hour.

ME: No

MCI:??? Ok bye.


MCI: ?????..... (click)


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