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Blargh - The Random Thread


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a fang-hilted warlord's katana - The ancient steel of this magnificent weapon is tinged with a faintly iridescent blue color that seems to ripple within the blade with each movement. A small but bold rune has been etched deeply into the base of the blade, and a similar rune is carved into the ancient ivory fang-shaped hilt. It's impossible to ascertain exactly what the hilt is crafted of, but it is clearly bone of some type, and quite old. You also notice a small enchanter's mark.


Enchanted to increase attack strength, spitting flares of acid upon contact with the enemy, and an rich history besides. This is a weapon fit for a King!



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You are all looking at a Full time Math teacher at Pembroke Pines Charter High School. I totally nailed my interview. They were so impressed with me that they brought in all the Assistant Principals and even the Principal herself. I start on Monday. Pheww...that was the fastest day in the history of me. Let's just hope I can actually teach. I know all about the theory and what not, but actual students are a completely different story.

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: ) Today's a good day.


2 interesting job offers on the table, word back from Fort Worth Fire, and then while wandering around my apartment complex & gettin mail, this kid randomly stops me to tell me how much he hates it when he steals ballons (the ones our complex leaves out to welcome people in) and sucks the heilium down to fast, giving him a headache.

He also cussed a bit, 'cause his parents werent around.

This boy, randomly stopping people to talk about wanton acts of vandalism, foul-mouthed at that...

fuckin hell, reminds me of someone.

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just got back from my night class at solano. fun, fun, fun... not really though. i just realized that everyone in my class is greying and that lecture chairs aren't too comfy to sleep in. all the old people think im a loser cause i don't listen. they give me looks as if im dumb or something. maybe they should look in the mirror. im just disgruntled because i should have passed chem the first time around. ???

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First, we train a dinosaur to be ridden by a ninja. Then, we also teach it to ride a hoverboard and fire an Uzi. We make it a cyborg and give it a mutant brain 3x the size of the smartest human on earths. Now, we also send it to Yoda for 6 months of power-leveling in the art of Jedi. We can teach it to hold a lightsaber in its tail, but that doesn’t come standard. Now, we take the disembodied spirit of a pirate, and banish him into the realms of the dinosaur’s body. Now, if a ninja riding a cyborg-pirate-jedi dinosaur riding a hoverboard and shooting an Uzi were to make an attack on a febreeze factory guarded by 100 Lincoln clones led by Lincoln himself, I feel that he would stand a very good chance of winning.

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