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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Well thanks to all for all the warm wishes with my chaotic 7th period. I spent my whole planning psyching myself up, readying my gameface. And lo and behold...the little fucker apologizes. What the hell I thought for sure it was another trick. But he finished his work and solved problems on the board. Hey there is intelligent life in my 7th period. How refreshing.

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So, it's settled then - I've an excellent resume and interview well, if people dont call back it's beacause these are hard times lately, not my fault. Tho next interview, i believe i shall sit far less spread eagle in my chair, and will certainly check to make sure my fly's not wide open.


"Talk about enthusiasm! See how excited the prospect of this job has me!?"

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My shirts keep endin up with white stripes on the side, like im leanin on a building with wet paint or some shit. It started in miami, still happens over here...ive changed detergent too, where the hell are these marks comin from? Theyre not that bad, but throw in a pound of cat hair and my t-shirts look like crap.

I'm going to solve this mystery somehow.

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leah and i had lunch today and it was a buncha fun, in between the sublime singing sessions and looking for the beatles marathon station. but anyways we were making ourselves all sad thinking about how we are all gonna be off and gone within a few months, with her in frisco, and me in socal. so sad so sad... poor maria. ???

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You know, Junker's tried to convince me that VAST's follow up alubm isnt bad. I feel its teen-angst shit at parts, cant hold a candle to the first one but he's got some pretty fair taste in music, so im goin through it again.

So i swing on by VAST's homepage to see what theyre up to, and all theyve got goin's a message board...holy shit, its all bad poetry. I guess that's their clientel, but man i guess im greatful for all the bad fag jokes over here...dont get me wrong, we could use some more bad poetry too, but theyve got, like 10 pages of it.

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"Do it for the strong, we do it for the meek

Boom it in your, boom it in your, boom it in your Jeep

Or your Honda or your Beemer or your Legend or your Benz

The rave of the town to your foes and your friends.."

- Tribe Called Quest, "Jazz (we've got)", one of the coolest hip-hop songs of all time


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your always wearing those hot pants

saying your looking for romance

but when im around

you know you haven't got a chance


hey little girl

your trying to get with my guy

i got two words, hands off

or i'll make you cry


i don't pull hair

and i don't fight dirty

but piss me by nine

and your lunchmeat by ninethirty


hey little girl you put the ho in ho ho's

and your in my face and i wanna break your nose

---hotpants.. thedonnas

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yes im on a bob dylan spree right now...


how many roads must a man walk down

before you call him a man...

the answer my friend... is blowing in the wind

the answer is blowing in the wind...


hey mr. tambourine man play a song for me

im not sleepy and there is no place im going to

hey mr. tambourine man play a song for me

in the jingle jangle morning i'll come following you...


you used to laugh about,

everybody and everything

now you don't talk so loud

now you don't seem so proud...

how does it feel, how does it feel?

to be without a home

like a complete unknown

like a rolling stone...

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