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Blargh - The Random Thread


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That's me towards the middle there, my name, score then ranking. 94 on the test, i ranked # 44 out of close to 2000 exams. I didnt even get a chance to study...i guess the new SAT format tripped up a lot of people.

The Fort Worth Battatlion Chief just called me.

I'm sceduled to come in next sunday at 3pm for my practice physical exam.

I actually moved on to phase 2. Again i repeat: i'm not ready this year. But i'm gonna try.

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I hate my Goddamn English Teacher!!! This is what happened today


We were doing some stupid cut & paste project and someone stole or took on accident a bottle of $.89 glue. and she said


Bitch: We are not going to go on with class until I get this glue!

We will just sit here until I get that glue back!


And we did for about ten min.


Me: Can I just give you a dollar and we go on?




I sat out there for about five min. then she came out and let me in. And I had tom read some crappy book at her desk.



after class (this is last period before schools is out)


Bitch: What were you thinking?


ME: helping you...



Bitch: Didn't you think that was rude?


Me: not really


Bitch: something must be wrong with you if you dont see that


ME: yea ok...


Bitch: Do you think that was rude?


Me: yea. what ever. It was. OK


That went on for 'bout five min. and I had to run to catch the FUCKING BUS!!!


I am making a U in citizenship (for thoes of you who dont know or dont remember citizenship goes E S N U with E being best and U Being worst)

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gods who i'm still awaiting a profile from:




Jesus Was Goth (he still alive?)


gods who've been bumped off the page entirely until Yahven gives me more room there:












oh and Sunshyne i need a pic.

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I just can't stop reading aboput Nirvana. Spent £5 on the NME special, got Kurt's Journals for Xmas and have read 'Heavier than Heaven', 'Who killed Kurt Cobain' and I act like a little kid on their birthday when I see another article about them. Help me, someone, I'm obsessed ARGHHHH!


What are the chords for Polly again??...:D

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My life is getting worryingly complex and busy, here's me settled into my rut but taking care of business, then all this shit, good shit but complicated, comes in, whole fucking things becoming a mess, I can't gather my thoughts so I just go around shouting.

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its so funny when leah calls me asking "did you just call." she just loves hearing my voice. it's okay to just tell me the truth leah, seriously. i also love the great comments she made today at my house:

- this hot sauce wouldn't be so hot if it wasn't so hot

- mr. debruler would be cool if he wasn't such an ass

- if buster (my dog) wasn't a dog, he'd be a cat


yes... the lovely leah... but this collection couldn't be complete without my two cents today---

- if that guy wasn't so ugly, he'd be hot

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Good workout, even got the mp3 player working - that was beautiful. I couldnt hear "the worst hits of the 80's!" on loop over my shit, today's blend was an interestin one of jazz, j-pop and some blues.


Sad that it went so well, then i'm all alone in the jacuzzii... ???


but then on the way back KNTU plays "Miles Davis - Autumn Leaves", you just dont get much fuckin cooler than that. That made me happy.

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do you have a friend that would leave you alone in an apartment while she goes out with her boyfriend to get food for a good half an hour and tells you your gonna be fine even though your piss drunk and in a room filled with 10 or so guys that you just met? didn't think so... she could have at least waited till my guy friends came back from the store, but no, that would be too difficult.


don't remember much after that... then i wake up to some guy trying to kiss me and feeling up my shirt, so my first impulse is to kick him... so i do... my friend eric saw what the dude was doing and kicks his ass out the apartment, and puts me to bed... eric put me to bed... not my 'best friend'... she laughs, finding it the funniest shit ever... :D


i have no clue where all this came from... oh well that's the point of blargh

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So I get this night's allotment of 3 hrs worth of sleep.... going on day six now. What a glorious week. bomb after bomb after bomb... The middle east's got nothing on me. :shoot:


I'm a survivor.

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