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Hondo's Bar

Master Star

Dirty South
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Everything posted by Master Star

  1. Sooooo, there is a Crossfit by me that gives a discount to teachers, firefighters, police, first responders, paramedics. So I might be able to leave LA fitness and go there! Fingrs crossed!
  2. I wanna do the plyo workout.
  3. Is there an option for tracking body fat %? i was up 2lbs from my last weight....BUT my body fat is down 3% from when I had it checked in Jan. So, actually, kinda pleased, because the gain is likely muscle weight, correct? Still want to drop at least another 5% by the end of April. Gotta switch it up! Really thinking of doing Insanity with Sen to break things up.
  4. Sorry I missed last night...been so worn out the past couple days. I am so in for the next time! Glad everything went well!

  5. It's so going to hurt later...

  6. My legs may not work later but I finally fucking did it! 1800 yard swim! Fuck yes! Now I just have to get faster.
  7. What email address did you use for your account for your iPhone?

  8. Awww. Hope you can wipe your own ass soon! Feel better bro!
  9. I vote to have Logans added to this list. What could qualify more than having a metal wrist?! AND catching the bad guys?!
  10. We did it!! Average level 10!! Feels good! Go team! wereallyneedthoseshirts
  11. We got Yahve back on board....so nooooow, Oh Lipala...where you at girl! Come on! Start tracking again! Pretty please?
  12. I will swim a fucking mile by next weekend. I caught a serious cramp in lap 24ish, in my calf. I have to make it to 1760 yards. 1250 is pretty close...I just wish I was faster (took me 34 min)! These dudes swimming on either side of me were hauling ass, I felt like the pathetic tortoise and the hare. **Note: goggles are a beautiful thing. As I took the last lap slower, I so got to check out the ripped hottie in the speedo in the lane next to me, under water. Bonus!
  13. If you go to the little box at the bottom where it shows your points, achievements, and quests, click on quests and it opens them up. I figured that out by accident, lol.
  14. NZA!! Average team level: 9!! Way to go guys and gals!!
  15. That's right, I rock the t-shirt and undies. All day, son.

  16. I would love to do crossfit if I could afford it... Additionally, YAY for Yahve! Tracking again! No more dead weight! I am so leveling up tomorrow!
  17. I want to see this movie purely for the drool factor in relation to the hotness that is taking place on the screen at any given moment. It's like the superbowl of hot superheros, yes please!
  18. Hey. You should start a blog. Xoxo

    1. alive she cried

      alive she cried

      I was actually thinking about this, just not sure whether it should be internal or external.

  19. I wanna get a shirt to workout in that has the Hondo's Bar in the Wu-tang symbol that you loaded for our group on Fitocracy. How can I make this happen?
  20. 20 k stationary cycling, in 39 min 34 sec. Fuck my thighs are killing me! Yesterday did hills and today the random program. Whew! Feels good though!
  21. Swam 20 laps today, 750m
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