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Hondo's Bar

Master Star

Dirty South
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Everything posted by Master Star

  1. Happy Birthday! You have the same birthday as my Grandfather. Have great year!

  2. That is why I seldom wear purple...just sayin'
  3. That percentage varies depending on which part of the county you happen to be in at the moment. Dade is quite diverse... lol
  4. When I see your name, I want to call you Mr. Spice Girl.

  5. Hey...Skyrim addict. This is your friend, saying Hello, come up for human interaction that does not involve a game.

    1. alive she cried

      alive she cried

      Ha ha, finished the main quest last night, and while there's still loads of other quests to do, I probably won't be playing them as extensively.

    2. Master Star

      Master Star

      How's that portrait coming along?

  6. Do you grape them in the mouth? I hear that's the best!
  7. Happy Anniversary!

  8. Pollo Tropical is the BOMB! Taco Bell is safe as long as I stay away from the ground beef.
  9. Long John Silvers. Vomit. The few that are still left in Miami. Fuck that fake ass seafood.
  10. Thank you Logans. Thank you.

  11. Holy shit you have the same birthday as my mother!

  12. Merry christmas my love!

  13. Short, cheerful, with a beard....it's like the Irish Santa! Now, is he jolly?
  14. Merry Christmas!

    1. Arnah


      You too Star!

  15. Since ASC does pictures of others, I figured I would try him. With a frame... Without a frame... Hope it's acceptable! Xoxo
  16. Your Hondosversary is on my birthday, lo

  17. You on G+. Not as in at this moment, but speaking in generalities.

  18. Awesome banners!

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