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Hondo's Bar

Master Star

Dirty South
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Everything posted by Master Star

  1. Stop choking babies and moar pictures!

  2. I can honestly say I haven't watched much Anime at all. Like I said, I only own one anime movie. Guess I'm missing some interesting stuff. :(
  3. It would seem that there are lots of hot anime chicks but what about the dudes? Do they draw them attractive? The only anime movie I own is Howl's Moving Castle, which it so awesome! Howl was pretty hot and Christian Bale doing the voice helped his cause quite a bit. Just curious for those who have seen more anime than I have.
  4. Happy Anniversary!

    1. Mr. Hakujin

      Mr. Hakujin

      I'm just realizing the anniversary passed over one month after the fact. Thanks for showing love, and reminding me, Star. :)


  5. Hope you can make it tonight! Kertins said she'd give you the info! Hope all is well. If I don't see you, take care!

    1. La Lindsay

      La Lindsay

      Sorry! Kertins did tell me but I had a date so I couldn't make it. Next time for sure! :)

    2. Master Star

      Master Star

      There will be a next time and I'll be better about giving more notice. Hope it was a hot date! See you soon!

  6. Soooooo. Funny fact for you sir. My lady friends and I often refer to a woman's snatch as her crim, LMAO! Before we go on the boat in our swimsuits we always tell eachother to make sure they have "trimmed their crim". Cause we ain't tryin to see anyone's crazy 80's porn bush. Random for you, yes. But I have a hard time referring to you as Crim (for this reason) and not laughing to myself everytime. Have a nice day!

  7. I LOVE the one of the two of you together! So effin cute!!
  8. Saw a license plate this AM...I couldn't believe my eyes. "ASC2000"...like your own special Terminator name! LOL Hope you are having a good day! xoxo

    1. alive she cried

      alive she cried

      Ha ha that's awesome. I NEED to drive that car :)

  9. Today is a good day. :)

  10. Birthday Weekend! Holllllla!!

  11. Happy Anniversary loco.

  12. Artists: Shayda Gray Album: Cold R&B...good vibe, chillin music Check em out
  13. Renewed and refreshed!

  14. I don't know why, but I can not get culture and sociology to load on my ipad. It goes into super zoom. It's really weird. Could I be doing something wrong?
  15. Ooooh DMV, be kind.

    1. The NZA

      The NZA

      oh god, gotta renew my license soon, too.

    2. Master Star

      Master Star

      Dude, got there first, in and out! Lady was super nice! Whew!

  16. Loving classical guitar music at the moment.

  17. My girlfriend rolls the tightest J's. Fa sho.

  18. The Seminole Indians are the Mascot for Florida State University. The University of Miami hates FSU with a passion.

  19. I send yoo hugs. Xo

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