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Hondo's Bar

Master Star

Dirty South
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Everything posted by Master Star

  1. Happy Anniversary!

  2. "Ride that Drama Llama" ~ I am stealing this.

  3. Girls already come with a magic box.

  4. Love your new picture!

  5. Happy Anniversary!

  6. I seeee yoooooo...

  7. Havne't seen you around these parts too much lately, hope you are doing well, take care! xo

  8. Your drawings are awesome. Wanted to drop you a note to say so. Hope to see another one soon! xo

  9. Hey gorgeous! I hope you're doin alright, just wanted to say hey! xo

  10. Disclaimer: I am NOT a good artist. I was bored at work and they shut down our grade books, so I decided to try my hand at another drawing. I give you They call him "Sex in a Hat". He flounces around down under swishing his Cloak of Sexiness with a flourish and bringing sexy back, where ever he may happen to pop up. He has a soft spot for kangaroos (and humans...sometimes) and believes in being one with his natural environment. In an effort to live minimally he refuses to shear his silky smooth mane of hair, which only adds to his aura of sexy. Be careful you don't fall under his spell, because with a wink and a nod, he'll have you wishing you could sneak under his Cloak of Sexiness, if only for just a hot sexy minute.
  11. Hey there, it was hood to see you the other night. Your story makes me wanna create an alter ego who does really cool and outrageous stuff, lol

  12. Bougies tonight, Cadillac Rance on Fri...are you available either night? You gonna be at Tash's thing on Sunday?

  13. Decided to rock a dress tonight, made me think of you. Hope you've been able to wear one and have dry weather!

  14. Tsk, tsk, tsk~! So quick with the accusations...geeze!
  15. Was good seeing you the other night! xoxo

  16. Thank you. I'd chat with you anyway even if just to get to know you better. It is a nice thing to have someone listen, really listen. You're awesome, xoxo

  17. Bout the same...get to drawing. Shut your mouth bag head!

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