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Hondo's Bar

Master Star

Dirty South
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Everything posted by Master Star

  1. This is the first time in my life I ever actually listened to the lyrics of this song. My mom was so into this hair band back in the day. I always thought they looked rather like women. Funny.
  2. Locks of Love...if you've long hair, check it out!

  3. It's good to know that at least it happens to men when they lose weight too.
  4. +1 my friend...WAY TO GO CUSTER! I hope you love CrossFit, my brother is one of the coaches...he has pretty much turned it into a lifestyle...glad you've had success! You rock!
  5. I fell in love with this song when I was 15 thanks to my cousin...never knew for the longest time who the artist was...so psyched that I found it.
  6. Hey mister, how you doin?

  7. Hey...loved your thread...had to put some thought into that one...and now that it has occurred to you, stop neglecting the ladies of Hondos!

  8. Hope things are goin ok over yonder! Just saying hey!

  9. I need more pictures in my life....maybe this weekend I'll give it another try...
  10. If I settle on beer tonight...gonna have to go with Honey Brown...so yum!
  11. Love your new picture!

  12. Miss you and Kertins! Even if the massive shindig doesn't happen for awhile..what are your days off again?

  13. I want to know where to apply for stencling paint on hot dudes....now that would be a fun job!
  14. I sit in the corner and look at the paintings...lmao
  15. How you doin boo? What are you doing for the long weekend?

  16. Oooh, soft lips... LOL...all to make your rosy cheeks more appealing! You so deserve your own trading card!
  17. Shut your mouth! Trading cards!? We should so do that for the anniversary!! How dope would that be?
  18. Brilliant...YES! Love...I wanna pinch his cheeks...
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