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Master Star

Dirty South
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Everything posted by Master Star

  1. The Mask isn't my favorite Jim Carrey movie...and she did look good in it...but I still don't care for her as an actress. She was ok in The Holiday also...but that movie had other actors in it that were fabulous!
  2. Watched "Faster" with Dwayne Johnson in it...Billy Bob Thorton...and this hot dude as the killer...but not sure how I feel about it. It was interesting enough and suspenseful...but I honestly feel like it leaves you hanging a bit... Liked it, but I don't think I'd watch it again... I love Shrek! The first 2 are my favorite...then the 4th one, and the 3rd was my least favorite...these are movies that I actually like Cameron Diaz in.
  3. Hey...does Mr. Bones get along with other dogs...like will he play with them? Because I think my dog would do well with him. Have you ever taken him to a dog park? Just wonderin'

  4. The best addition to a mellow afternoon... ...and I have such a soft spot in my heart for old music that has actual orchestral accompaniment. It's so classic...and so amazingly beautiful.
  5. This game alone makes me wish I had the xbox with the kinect...but I'll be cheap and just burn someone's Zumba DVD's I guess...still looks like it would be hella fun!
  6. Gearing up for the morning work out...time to SWEAT!
  7. If I use google...is that cheating?
  8. First of all...I learned that this is actually called a Sabaceous Cyst. Second of all...I also learned from this lady at work that knows all kinds of weird medical facts...yes they stink, big time! Finally, there is no way this can be sanitary...go to the doctor next time motherfucker!!
  9. At one of the massive rolling parties we had at my parents house...this D-bag kid tried to steal a cell phone from a girl. The good guys didn't approve of this. They find out and hunt him down outside sitting in his car where the stolen phone is. He freaks out and turns on the car... and instead of reversing and leaving he goes into drive and literally drives over the leg of the girl who's phone he stole. (Her leg was not broken/I think the grass gave her some padding) So then the good guys pretty much swarm the car and start beating the ever-loving shit out of this kid...kicking him, punching him, attempting to rip him out of the car....he actually reverses this time, and drives away. BUT THERE'S MORE! So we get everyone inside...hell no I do not need the cops rolling up on this fucking circus (even if my dad is a cop)...the girl is scared and bruised but ok. IT GETS BETTER! Dumbfuck d-bag kid comes back....while the good guys are outside smoking....this time, they get his car door open and not only open it, but our friend who is a MMA fighter bends the shit all the way in the other direction so it's touching the front fender...they beat his ass, again. His boy (who we actually like) convinces him to get the hell out of here before he gets himself killed...and the d-bag drives away. **The most hilarious part** Come to find out, in my pooked out high as fuck state...and I'm talking I am 5 rolls down and who knows how many blunts and bowls have been passed around...I happened to be making out with said d-bag kid like 3 hours prior to the ass kicking event...and I didn't even remember the act or his name...but was told by his boy...yikes! I called bullshit as I was clearly entirely too intoxicated to be held responsible for my actions...I as forgiven...but the d-bag is still banned! Cast: The Good Guys James A, James B, Danny, Jarren, Ish, Manny, Alex. At least that's who I remember dealing out the ass whoopin...the craziest part was watching Jarren put his size 11 Aldo dress shoe into this dude's head! Lesson learned!
  10. Gnomeo and Juliet...the best part of the movie was the soundtrack...all done by Elton John...second best part two awesome quotes... Brokeback Mountain (quoted by two gnomes stuck to the same platform) "I wish I could quit you."...LMAO Forrest Gump (quoted by a hot pink flamingo who had his heart broken) "I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is."...Fucking awesome/hilarious
  11. You get an A+ for story telling...lol

  12. Had fun! Must do again! xo

  13. This is one of my favorites...I love how they performed together...makes me miss my brother...
  14. Hey love...I just saw an article that made me think of you...it's about the show Degrassi and how this Florida Family group wants to boycott it because they have a transgendered character in a new episode. If you like I can send you the link...or I'm sure you can find it on Google...some people are fucking ridiculous... xoxo

  15. This is an article from 2008 that was written about my little brother. Disclaimer: He is an alcoholic and a serious pot head. (Nevermind he'll do just about any other drug someone puts in his hand) However, this was a hilarious event and shows...that truly it's a small world! We contested that he actually won because he did not vomit after the rematch...we called bullshit...but the bullshitters won...:::sigh::: King of Colt Deposed at The Vagabond's Beer Chugging Contest Vomitron heaves and prevails. A A A Comments (1) By Elyse Wanshel Thursday, Nov 27 2008 Melgar is a dark and handsome waiter in his early twenties. He is also a speed eater who has devoured 21 ears of sweet corn in eight minutes, modeled in New York, and done extra work in L.A. And he has been sucking down suds since he was 10 years old. "The first beer I ever chugged was a Corona," he says with a smile that reveals a set of swoon-worthy dimples. "I got it from my dad's refrigerator." We're standing on the lush, breezy patio of The Vagabond (30 NE 14th St., Miami) during (((Shake))), a Cuban-spiced Thursday-night shindig heavy on early-Nineties nostalgia and topped with tons of deliciously filthy 305 flavor. The event's hosts — Sweat Records and the ¿Que Pasa M.I.A.? crew — are rewinding to a time when Miami had only one area code (sorry, 786) and The JukeBox showed nothing but videos of Uncle Luke telling shaking, G-stringed asses that it was, indeed, their birthdays. Although the gold-grill-filled night claims to be "anti-hipster," it paradoxically attracts the stylistically unwashed who love the tongue-in-cheek nature of popping their coochies to 2 Live Crew, playing old-school Nintendo, sipping on gin 'n' juice, eating pan con lechón off a sheet of tin foil, and possibly bumping into a grown man dressed up as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. The real star of the night is the Colt 45 Chugging Contest. And that's not because past prizes have included swirling, trippy artwork or Heat tickets. It's due to the crowd's desire to compete with the five-time reigning beast of a champ: James. Word on the street is that witnessing the guy in action is like watching Garfield the cat unhinge his jaw and gulp down whole chickens, lasagna, cupcakes, pots, and pans from a large banquet table in five seconds. "I think the whole thing is hilarious," says James, mocking his budding notoriety before pounding a dewy can of malt liquor. As he shuffles off to grab another drink, I move on to Marissa, a counterculture Barbie doll who is wearing tiny white shorts and leaning over the top of the outside bar, begging for male attention. She is heavily tattooed and leggy, and her blond hair emits a green hue whenever she strolls under artificial light. I'm not a man, and she's not a chugger, but judging by her lips, spackled with layers of gooey gloss, I'm guessing she has stuck a few freaky foreign objects into that orifice. "The weirdest thing I ever put in my mouth was chicken and waffles," she says, her blue, doe-like/Anime-porn eyes enlarging with the expectation of shock. "And I once accidentally drank some bong water." Bitch, please. "Uh, I once got paid $10 to chug a plastic cup filled with spit-out dip." Well, at least that explains the hair color. Next I spot two girls chatting by the centerpiece of The Vagabond's bohemian back yard: a fountain that propels fine streams of water up and over a glowing fire. One is Renee, a sweet and friendly 23-year-old with dyed red hair, a Cindy Crawford-mole piercing, and two teased and curled lavender gift-wrap ribbons safety-pinned to the spaghetti straps of her top. She says she wants to be a librarian and then fills me in on the wonders of playing a game called "Power Hour" that involves taking a shot of beer every minute for an hour. It's almost midnight, and in the spirit of Dirty Hour — a 10 p.m.-to-12 a.m. special in which Colt 45 tall-boys go for just a buck — I ask her to serve up the nasty. "What's the foulest thing that's touched your tongue?" She tells me about sucking on a pool cue. "I stuck the tip in my mouth for a dollar." Renee then admits to eating cake from the garbage and sampling random plants such as bougainvilleas and angel trumpets, right off the vine, in hopes of getting high. Her friend, a pigtailed brunette named Kat, does better: "When I was 15, my friends and I thought it would be a great idea to make a beer bong out of a vacuum cleaner hose. We just took off the attachment without cleaning it, stuck one end in my mouth, and poured a bottle of Heineken down the other. As soon as the beer and a giant hairball hit my tongue, I got so grossed out that I started to throw up whole mushrooms from a pizza we ate earlier." By now it's 1 a.m., and a brief come-and-chug announcement blasts from the sound system. Judging by the small crowd assembled at a DJ stand, I'm thinking it's time to unleash the beer-slamming stallions. On the way to check out the show, I run into Alex, a small man with big plans. "I think I can drink faster than James," he says. "Unfortunately I almost died from choking on my own vomit after getting alcohol poisoning on my 21st birthday. A friend of mine heard me gurgling in my sleep and turned me from my back to my side, thank God. But it really sucked. I haven't really drank since then, but I used to be able to down a quart in a minute. When I heard about this competition, I decided to start training." And what does this training consist of? "Drinking a Schlitz every night ... and I haven't consumed anything since 4 p.m." James, on the other hand, is finishing yet another tall-boy as he squeezes his way into the middle of a line of about a dozen other contenders. "I get nervous before every competition, so I drink a little to loosen myself up," he admits. "There's got to be some competition out there somewhere." Then the MC, José El Rey — a local artist known for his silly/sardonic Spanglish techno tunes and a truly remarkable (and magical) mustache — grabs a mike and says, "I am the king! But where is my court?" The other two members of ¿Que Pasa M.I.A.? — Slim Biscayne and Aholsniffsglue — distribute quarts of Colt to the row of motley chuggernauts. Next the 32-ouncers are pulled from brown paper bags, and wide mouths are pressed to eager lips. "Go!" El Rey abruptly shouts as teeth clank on glass, heads tilt back, beer dribbles down chins, people cheer, shirts are stained, and poor little Alex looks like he should just surrender. Then there's James. He's living up to his rep, but close behind him is a sloppy guy in a long-sleeve gray shirt and overgrown curls — dubbed Queasoid for his wobbly state — and a curvy, confident woman who calls herself Ms. Goobs. After about 30 seconds, El Rey's voice booms across the patio. "James wins!" All the freshly queasy chug-a-thoners lower their quarts, but then the ¿Que Pasa? judges look more closely. When James and Queasoid put down their quarts, there's a half-inch of amber backwash at the bottom of their bottles. Ms. Goobs, however, has nothing but foam in her empty Colt. Everyone is confused — and drunk —so a rematch is called. But Ms. Goobs ain't having it. "It's because I'm female!" she snaps and then waddles back into the crowd for sympathetic pats on the back. "You know what's funny? About two years ago on Halloween, I was in the Grove and I saw some guy dressed up as the Count of Monte Cristo passed out alone in front of [a club called] Cielo. Most of my friends couldn't give a shit, but I was concerned. So I tried to get him up and give him some water. But nothing was working. I found his phone and called the first number on it and told them they needed to come and pick up this kid. "And that kid was James!" Who is now chugging again, but after two tall-boys and a quart of Colt, the champ can't keep up. Queasoid beats him by a nanosecond and promptly pukes all over the floor, earning himself an upgraded name: Vomitron. The audience laughs, but James looks annoyed. "I can't believe I lost to a drunk," he snarls. I love my little brother and he's my best friend...but he worries me...I just hope for the best...that bastard has 9 lives or something...I swear.
  16. Skeet showed me this...she makes me wish I had a labotomy...that is the dumbest fucking song...thank god this universe made her pretty.
  17. I can listen to this man's voice allllll day....LEGEND, one of the best albums ever... I <3 this song sooooo very much...
  18. I finally watched Megamind...gotta love Will Ferrell voicing a super villain...sooper cute!
  19. Hellllo gorgeous...hope you are having a fab week!

  20. Stop bating and check your MSN

  21. What's the dress code for Saturday?

  22. Hey... I <3 Mr. Bones...barking aside he's a sweetie heart...xo

  23. Didn't have anything to add at the moment...but I just had to go back and look...:::sigh::: Scrumptious!
  24. The Fighter...loved the story...and I think it's pretty cool that it is based on actual events. But it makes me think of the phrase, "Quod me nutrit me destruit" What nourishes me destroys me. Thought to have originated with Elizabethan playwright Christopher Marlowe. Generally interpreted to mean that that which motivates or drives a person can consume him or her from within. Families can be that way...it's unfortunate that the people that are supposed to mean everything to us and in theory be the most loving force in our lives can at times be the most toxic presence in our lives. Love is funny that way...in it's capacity to do as much harm as it does good. Otherwise, I think it was a great movie...love my Mark Whalberg!
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