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Hondo's Bar

Master Star

Dirty South
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Everything posted by Master Star

  1. My favorite pretend FBI agent...love love love my lil nerd...he's so damn cute!
  2. Sweet lucifer...men in uniform...yessssssssss! Can't help it...I love me a footballer...and...well, really athletic men in general...don't get me wrong...I can go for a sexy nerd...but part of their yum comes from the interaction...they are smart and nice to look at it...now I will stand corrected if you find me an athletic looking nerd...let's see what I can come up with!
  3. Never have I ever wanted to be a bedsheet more than I do when I see that picture.
  4. Down Periscope...for like the 100th time last night...don't matter...shit is still FUCKING HILARIOUS!
  5. I wouldn't kick him outta bed...
  6. Love this dread... Now this is my joint... <3 <3 <3
  7. Never heard this track before... seriously mellow song...<3
  8. So yea...MSN...get on it you nerd! Stop being away...with that stupid picture in red and blue...who the fuck is that guy anyway!?

  9. Don't be shy! Join the fray!

  10. I loved Easy A...mainly because the family was so freakin wacked! They were worth the watch alone...and seriously my favorite part is when she rounds on that bitch in the movie and straight up calls her a "Twat"!
  11. Still love it... This song is so raw...love them... So much talent...
  12. Bottomline...Mal may not like me so much, but I'm glad I met you...you're one cool ass kid (even if you are an Aussie)...sho nuff. xo

  13. What's up jiz-pot?

  14. Gotta love Belly... This shit bumps in the club...can't wait for Carnival! Just a fun song...
  15. Sooo many years gone by and I still love this song...
  16. You go boy! Enjoy your Duke Nukem, love!

  17. You lookin for me?

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