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Da Cap'n

The Slingers
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Posts posted by Da Cap'n

  1. I never said that the "fuck you" behavior is acceptable. Give the guy a chance to say thank you on his own. Don't tell him, "you can have my share... if you say thank you". Come on. Alan Moore is VERY right for feeling the way he does about all of this, but is VERY wrong with how he's trying to bring down everyone with him. ESPECIALLY the innocents. He's the postal worker that got fucked by the government, but went in the branch and sprayed the whole building at the height of rush hour.

  2. Yeah, but to put Dave Gibbons through that? He was the one gentleman through this whole thing. Calling Moore for his blessing ON EVERYTHING. Dude, was invited to his wedding, for Christ's sake. I imagine there wasn't five other comic people at that wedding. But to have him say "thank you"? He might as well have asked him to kneel at his feet while doing so.

  3. Ok, so distance yourself from the company and your work. Have them take your name off anything that comes after. Have your share go to the artists. AND NEVER SPEAK OF IT AGAIN. Jeez. I'm fine with his stance. I applaud it, but taking it out on folks that don't have the same HARDHEADEDNESS that you have or folks (that probably look up to you and consider your work inspiration) that are just trying to make a living is bullshit. Be mad at the people at DC that fucked you, not EVERYONE at DC. The Detective Comics logo didn't jump off the page and try to enter your anus... and I'm pretty sure some of the writers and artists "that couldn't 'create' something on par with Watchmen" didn't either.

  4. Dave Gibbons was lied to, too. Why isn't he crying in a corner (or growing a beard)? I'm sure DC has done everything they can to alleviate this situation with Alan Moore. I mean, the current staff/administration, but the guy is a crazy, paranoid, bitter old fuck. I get you were lied to. You have every right to be upset. I feel for you, but in my honest opinion I think he's been so dead set on his stance that he's stuck now. Why doesn't he take the money and donate it to charity? Do some good and make DC look like dicks. No, he let's his co-creator have it on the condition he gets a "thank you". Stupid. Get over yourself.

  5. ricky-williams1.jpg


    Run, Ricky, Run (I think I've made a thread). The story of Ricky Williams. Not about football, but about a guy that plays football.


    Probably the most misunderstood athlete in sports. This doc moves you like non other. Fans of a great and tragic story need to watch this. Don't let the subject matter sway you. Give it a try, he will instantly become your favorite athlete.

  6. Like Kanye, I love Alan Moore's work... but hate him as a person. Despite what you might think, Logan, I like a WIDE variety of comic books. From Captian Blammo to Jesse Bluster: Father. I read everything because I'm SUCH A FAN of the medium. Besides, didn't we (as kids) read comics to pretend we're someone else? I'd much rather be swinging on a web and crawling on walls than having long, 12 page conversation at a diner. I do that in real life with Cathy all the time ;)


    Alan Moore is a genius, but he's also a crazy person.

  7. I can't even finish this shit.


    Fucking Alan Moore is a little bitch. Seriously? Fucking guy going after others in the industry? It's uncalled for. I understand you got fucked. I feel for you, I really do, but you're the "most intelligent" and "best" comic creator ever and you can't properly read a contract? Or at least hire someone to? Fucking guy.


    Then once your shit gets adapted, you don't want anything to do with it. That's fine. I respect that. It's your right. But to have the co-creators have to call you to tell you thank you for the money? Are you serious? Are you twelve? Fucking prick.


    Oh AND all the conversations going on with your collaborators with DC that you think have to secretly do with you? Come on? "Oh, they bought Wildstorm cause they wanted me back." Really, you pretentious asshole? God, I've always thought he was a baby, but this article took it to the next level.


    All of you Alan Moore sympathizers have your right to feel the way that you do, but if you were all really righteous then you should never buy another DC comic again. Or watch another Warner Brothers movie. Or buy a figure. Or anything. That goes for pirates of these products, as well. That's my take.

  8. Day also took shit because it was supposed to be a lot more epic and grandiose than the others. Thousands of extras. It was supposed to be Romero's blockbuster. Obviously, the funding wasn't there and Romero just dialed it in. Pretty good for half-assed, huh? I fucking love that movie.

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