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Da Cap'n

The Slingers
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Posts posted by Da Cap'n

  1. see if you can fuck wit dees lyriscs a !1




    Bitches aint shit like constipation !

    all we get nowa days is spammers registrating!

    Skeeter says hes cominn too da US for megaqcon

    I belevite it when I see e it like nick sayin he strong

    i hate a chief cause hes mexicann shit

    nope cause he bit my shit


    Rachael is my internetb daughter like solara

    I love her forever

    but only if 2thrack give s me the pussy


    I saw between his legs

    Nick stayed there like a husssy!



  2. Interview with a Vampire - Cause even I know that a movie with Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas and Christian Slater is dreamy!


    Blade - Actually one of my 5 favorite movies of all time! I don't know how, but it is!!


    Ocean's Eleven (remake) - Good flick and I don't think anybody can argue with me there!


    Dumb and Dumber - I'm a big Jim Carrey fan and this is an essential movie for any Jim Carrey fans!


    Twister - I'm just a sucker for weather movies for some reason!


    Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - Not my favorite Carrey movie, but probably his best!


    Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - I remember when this movie came out in '93 and it said "damn" and "hell" in it!! I was 13 and that was a big deal then!!


    Vision Quest - The wrestling equivalent to Rocky! All high school wrestlers have this movie in thier collection!


    The World According to Garp - Another Robin Williams masterpiece! I recommend this movie to everybody! It's awesome!


    Fist of the North Star: The Movie - The ORIGINAL movie! The one that Nick showed me when we were kids! I fuckin' looked far and wide for this movie and one day it came in one of our shipments to Anime Hurricane! Man, that made my month!

  3. Day of the Dead - 3rd instalment of George Romero's Zombie Classics and my personal favorite Romero flick! You know that Romero was reading Wolverine at the time, cause he names the mad doctor Logan and his zombie pupil Bub!


    Juon: The Curse (TV movie vol. 1) - When Nick introduced this flick to me and Lindsay that night, that shit blew me away! Not Nick, but the movie!!


    One Hour Photo - Personally I think this is one of Robin Williams' best roles!! That blood from the eyes scene still gets me everytime! Oh and when he sits on that guy's toilet, I died!! Watch the movie and you'll understand!


    2 fast 2 Furious - Yes, I know, I know!! Not the best movie in the world, but I like it, ok?! Did you know that this is one of Tussin's favorite movies!? Give her shit!!


    The Incredibles - Man, this flick is awesome!! It's what Fantastic 4 should of been!!


    X2: X-Men United - What comic fan doesn't have this in thier collection? Which comes to my next flick...


    Spider-Man 2 - Need I say anything about this?


    Team America: World Police Uncensored and Unrated - First time I saw this was on bootleg! I loved it so much I had to get it when it came out on DVD!! The extended love scene is enough to make the whole movie so don't buy it at WalMart!


    Bubba Ho-Tep - Bruce Campbell as Elvis? Bought!!


    Unbreakable - If they made a comic of this, I'd buy it! As a matter of fact, I got a few ideas for a book! They need to let me write that shit!

  4. Ok, here's what you do: Go to your DVD collection and and grab 10 DVDs! Any 10 and list 'em here! And whenever you feel like it, do it again and again and again! If you only have 10 then list 'em! If you got 20, then that's good for 2 posts, right?!! If you got like a 100, then that's good for like... ummm, a million posts!!! Not only do you pimp out your shit, but you can learn about the shit you're missin' out on! If you're Nick then don't even bother postin', cause whatever you do got, you're gonna end up sellin' on eBay anyways! OK GO!!!


    This might be better in the Movie Forum, huh?

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